Barry Trunk received his Doctorate in Developmental Psychology and Statistics from The Ohio State University, and has taught statistics at the undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral levels for the past 30 years. In addition to this book on statistics, he is the co-author of two other books published by the University Press of America, and travels extensively for Capella University, assisting doctoral candidates with their research methodology and statistical analyses.
Leslie Olsen received her Master’s in English from the University of Washington and has been teaching writing to undergraduates, as well as Master’s and Doctorate seekers, for over 15 years. Her extensive background in writing makes her well situated to helping students with the elusive task of writing about numbers. She has several publications, and currently teaches composition and business writing online. She is a member of the Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee on Best Practices for Online Writing Instruction since 2010.
2 Ebooks par Barry Trunk
Leslie Olsen & Barry Trunk: OK, I’ve Signed Up For Statistics. Now What?
OK, I’ve signed up for statistics. Now What? A Student’s Guide to Navigation and Success in Statistics is the book your students have been searching for. Courses in statistics are often approached wi …
William Cooney & Charles Cross: From Plato To Piaget
The authors of this book consult fifteen thinkers, from various fields, who have a profound understanding of the important role that education plays in our world. Each chapter opens with an Introduct …