Auteur: Baruch Ashlag

Although Baruch Shalom Ha Levi Ashlag received rabbinical ordination from the two chief rabbis of Israel at the time, Yosef Sonnenfeld and the famous Rav Kook, Ashlag chose not to make a living by his prodigious Torah knowledge, but rather as a simple road builder, most days doing hard labor from first light until sundown. When his co-workers would go home to rest, Ashlag would go to study the kabbalah from midnight on, with his great father and teacher, the monumental kabbalist Baal Ha Sulam. After his father’s death Ashlag was recognized as his father’s successor and later given the honorary title RABASH, as he had become a master kabbalist. Today he is known for revealing the existence of and explaining a closely guarded method of using the kabbalist group as a laboratory for revealing spirituality.

2 Ebooks par Baruch Ashlag