Why do I hunt and fish? Because I derive enjoyment, satisfaction, relaxation, and pleasure from it, that’s why. I enjoy the planning, preparation, anticipation, excitement, camaraderie, and if I’m fortunate enough to be successful, the meals of wild fare. I enjoy the sharing, the stories and the memories.
In writing this book, I do not intend to make any bold or profound revelations for or against the sport of hunting and fishing. I only want to share a few of my memorable experiences in hopes that my fellow hunters and fishermen will be able to relax over these antidotes. Perhaps they’ll see themselves, or fellow hunters, in these stories and also realize some personal enjoyment as a result of it. Some of the following stories are serious, some are silly, and I hope will bring a chuckle. All are true, because I was there. The names have been changed to protect the innocent (me).
So please sit back, relax and enjoy. And if you see yourself in any of these stories, don’t tell anyone it was you. I promise I won’t tell them it was you either.
A propos de l’auteur
Ben (featured on the cover), though born in Michigan and having lived many places, calls Texas home. He and his wife lived there 28 years and raised their family there. They have two grown children, both native Texans, and proud of it. Ben retired in 2008 after over 42 years in the aviation industry. One of the primary reasons for his decision was making time for his family and his second love, hunting and fishing.