Emulsions occur either as end products or during the processing of products in a huge range of areas including the food, agrochemical, pharmaceutical, paint and oil industries. Despite over one hundred years of research in the subject, however, a quantitative understanding of emulsions has been lacking. Modern Aspects of Emulsion Science presents a comprehensive description of both the scientific principles in the field and the very latest advances in research in this important area of surface and colloid science. Topics covered include emulsion formation, type, stability (creaming, flocculation, ripening, coalescence), monodisperse and gel emulsions, and applications. Emphasis has been placed on relating the chemistry of the surfactant or protein adsorbed at the oil-water interface to the principles of the physics involved in the bulk emulsion property. The book has been written by a collection of the world’s leading experts in the field, and covers both experimental and theoretical approaches. Modern Aspects of Emulsion Science fills a real gap in the market, being the only book of its kind in print. As such it will prove essential reading for graduates and researchers in this subject, in both academia and industry.
Table des matières
Emulsions – Recent Advances in Understanding; Emulsion Formation; Emulsion Formation by Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms; Emulsion Flocculation and Creaming; Rheology of Emulsions – The Relationship to Structure and Stability; Phase Inversion and Drop Formation in Agitated Liquid-Liquid Dispersions in the Presence of Nonionic Surfactants; Coalescence in Emulsions; Lifetime and Destruction of Concentrated Emulsions Undergoing Coalescence; Molecular Diffusion in Emulsions and Emulsion Mixtures; Interactions and Macroscopic Properties of Emulsions and Microemulsions; Gel Emulsions – Relationship between Phase Behaviour and Formation; Applications of Emulsions; Subject Index.