Dr Bernard Roger is consultant and official radiologist of numerous French national teams (football, rugby and athletics). He is currently working at the Aspetar – Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital (Doha, Qatar).
Dr. Ali Guermazi is Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair of Academic Affairs and Director of the Quantitative Imaging Center at Boston University School of Medicine. He is Deputy Editor of Radiology (RSNA) and Expert Consultant in Sports Medicine Imaging for multiple American and European teams.
Dr Abdalla Skaf is chair of the radiology department and sports medicine of the Hospital do Coração (HCor) São Paulo – Brazil. He is also the President of the Teleimagem group in Brazil; President of the Brazilian MRI committee as well as radiology consultant for soccer teams and various national Sports societies.
4 Ebooks par Bernard Roger
Bernard Roger & Ali Guermazi: Muscle Injuries in Sport Athletes
This book attempts to provide a comprehensive look at all of the pathologies of muscles that are likely to be encountered in treating sports-related injuries. Its purpose is to give the practitioner …
Patrick Lepetit: Esoteric Secrets of Surrealism
A profound understanding of the surrealists’ connections with alchemists and secret societies and the hermetic aspirations revealed in their works *; Explains how surrealist paintings and poems emplo …
Bernard Roger: Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales
Hidden within age-old classic stories lie the hermetic teachings of alchemy and Freemasonry *; Explains how the stages of the Great Work are encoded in both little known and popular stories such as C …
Sylvie Besch & Jacques Rodineau: Pathologie du complexe pelvi-fémoral du sportif
Fréquemment sollicité lors de la pratique sportive, le complexe pelvi-fémoral est source de maintes lésions. Chez le sportif, une douleur de cette région constitue un challenge diagnostique toujours …