This volume develops a novel approach to state theory. It offers a
comprehensive review of the existing literature on the state and
sets a new agenda for state research.
Four central themes define the scope of the book: an account of
the bases of the operational autonomy of the state; the need to
develop state theory as part of a more general social theory; the
possibilities of explaining ‘capitalist societalization’ without
assuming that the economy is the ultimate determinant of societal
dynamics; and a defence of the method of articulation in theory
In developing these issues, Bob Jessop both builds on and goes
well beyond the view presented in his earlier books, The
Capitalist State (1982) and Nicos Poulantzas (1985). The
result is a highly original statement which will become a
center-point of discussion. The volume confirms the author’s
standing as one of the most important post-War Marxist state
Table des matières
Preface and Acknowledgements.
General Introduction.
Part I. On Marxist Theories of Law, the State, and their
Relative Autonomy from the Capitalist Economy and Class
1. Recent Theories of the Capitalist State.
2. Recent Theories of Law, the State, and Juridico-Political
3. Marxism, Economic Determinism, and Relative Autonomy.
Part II. Political Representation, Social Bases, and State
Forms: Corporatism, Parliamentarism, and the National
4. Corporatism, Parliamentarism, and Social Democracy.
5. Capitalist States, Capitalist Interests, and the Rule of
6. The Democratic State and the National Interest.
Part III. The Value Form, The Capitalist State, and Hegemonic
Projects: From State Forms and Functions to the State as
7. Accumulation Strategies, State Forms, and Hegemonic
8. Poulantzas and Foucault on Power and Strategy.
9. The State as Strategy.
Part IV. Putting States in their Place: Towards a
Strategic-Relational Theory of Societalization:.
10. Anti-Marxist Reinstatement and Post-Marxist
11. Societalization, Regulation, and Self-Reference.
12. Putting States in their Place.
Selected Writings of Bob Jessop.
General Bibliography.
A propos de l’auteur
Bob Jessop is the author of several previous works including Thatcherism (Polity, 1988).