Discover the rich stories of The People of Russell’s Knob in the 20th and 21st centuries in ‘Alive Nearby.’ This novel by best-selling historical fiction author Breena Clarke provides intricate backstories of the complex characters in ‘Angels Make Their Hope Here.’ The novel explores how Russell’s Knob, a hidden and marooned town in New Jersey’s highlands, managed to preserve its existence and vibrant history despite slavery, war, and Jim Crow. ‘Alive Nearby’ brings to life the characters central to the author’s previous works, ‘Stand The Storm’ and ‘Angels Makes Their Hope Here, ‘ including the Smoots, Wilhelms, Murtaughs, and Coats. Through the letters of Amarantha Douglas to her absent son, we are transported to an imagined town that comes alive with its history. This retired school administrator weaves together stories of the past and present, asking what happens when we keep our dead ‘Alive Nearby.’
A propos de l’auteur
Breena Clarke is the author three novels, most recently, Angels Make Their Hope Here, set in an imagined mixed-race community in 19th century New Jersey. Breena Clarke’s debut novel, River, Cross My Heart, was an October 1999 Oprah Book Club selection. Her critically reviewed second novel, Stand The Storm, is set in mid-19th century Washington, D.C. Her short fiction has appeared in Kweli Journal, The Stonecoast Review, NOW online magazine, Nervous Breakdown, Mom/Egg review, and Catapult, as well as, Like Light: 25 Years of Poetry & Prose by Bright Hill Poets & Writers. She has contributed to the anthology, IDOL TALK: Women Writers on the Teenage Infatuations That Changed Their Lives. Breena is co-editor of Chicken Soup for the Soul I’M SPEAKING NOW: BLACK WOMEN SHARE THEIR TRUTHS IN 101 STORIES OF LOVE, COURAGE AND HOPE to which she contributed two personal narratives. Breena Clarke is co-founder and co-organizer of The Hobart Festival of Women Writers, an annual celebration of the work of women authors since 2013. She is co-editor of NOW online journal of The Hobart Festival of Women Writers