A Legal Permanent Resident may have his removal cancelled before a hearing before an Immigration Judge. In order for this to happen, the Legal Permanent Resident has had this status for 5 years, he has had at least 7 years continuous residence in the United States after having been lawfully admitted in any status, and has not been convicted of an aggravated felony. Also has the Form EOIR-42A attached.
Do you already have your Green Card, but committed a crime and now U.S. Immigration is trying to deport you? This is possible, but you may qualify for a form of relief which for all intense purposes is your ‘get out of jail’ free card. A Lawful Permanent Resident or somebody with a Green Card may have his removal cancelled before a hearing before an Immigration Judge. In order for this to happen, the Legal Permanent Resident has had this status for 5 years, he has had at least 7 years continuous residence in the United States after having been lawfully admitted in any status, and has not been convicted of an aggravated felony. Also has the Form EOIR-42A attached.
Many times, people who are not in Removal Proceedings or Deportation Proceedings believe that they can do cancellation of removal applications. In fact, many foreign nationals not in immigration court think that all they must do is remain in the U.S. for 10 years and voila that they qualify.
Unfortunately, it is not that easy, nor is it correct. The Cancellation of Removal for Lawful Permanent Residents is quite a bit easier to get approved than the other Cancellation of Removal for those people who don’t have their Green Cards. It is not easy, but much easier. For this Cancellation of Removal, you need to have been physically present in the United States for 7 years and have had residency for 5 years and to have not been convicted of an aggravated felon. Thus, you do not need to show good moral character and you do not need to show extreme hardship to a U.S. relative such as a child, spouse or parent. Even if you have an aggravated felon, you may be able to go back to criminal court to argue why the sentence should be reduced or the guilty plea vacated.
Cancellation of Removal or ‘Cancellation of Deportation’ for people who have Green Cards, is basically a get out of jail free card. Once you prepare the application, argue the merits hearing in front of the Immigration Judge and await a decision, you will get your Green Card back and get removal proceedings ended if you win.
The sample Cancellation of Removal packet for Lawful Permanent Residents you see will give lots of great information and a significant amount of information and data that will comply with the requirements. Thus, if you cannot hire an immigration lawyer to prepare the necessary Cancellation of Removal Packet, this is the next best thing. Follow it carefully and closely and you will have a real chance of realizing your dream to stay inside the United States.
We certainly hope you find this petition useful and helpful and hope for the best immigration experience you can have. We do have petitions on every subject area of immigration, and you might look at those if needed as well. If you do need to actually have a consultation, you can call our U.S. Immigration Law office at 562-495-0554 for an initial free consultation to determine what must be done to help you and your family.
Table des matières
Attorney Drafted Immigration Petitions
About the Law Offices of Brian D. Lerner, APC
About a Legal Permanent Resident Cancellation (42A)
Attorney Cover Letter
FORM EOIR-42A: Application for Cancellation of Removal and Adjustment of Status for Certain Permanent Residents and Receipt Notice
Exhibit ‘1’: Respondent’s Certificate of Live Birth
Exhibit ‘2’: Respondent’s Certificate of Baptism
Exhibit ‘3’: Respondent’s I-94, Social Security Card and Passport
Exhibit ‘4’: Respondent’s School Records
Exhibit ‘5’: Respondent’s Alcohol and Drug Counseling Diploma
Exhibit ‘6’: Respondent’s Parent’s U.S. Passports and Permanent Resident Cards
Exhibit ‘7’: Respondent’s Sibling’s U.S. Passports and Permanent Resident Cards
Exhibit ‘8’: Respondent’s ASC Appointment Notice
Exhibit ‘9’: Respondent’s California Criminal History Information (CALDOJ)
Exhibit ’10’: Docket Sheet – F07904397
Exhibit ’11’: Respondent’s Daughter’s Birth Certificate
Exhibit ’12’: Proof of Biometrics
Exhibit ’13’: Respondent’s Updated California Criminal History Information (CALDOJ)
Exhibit ’14’: Fresno County Sheriff’s Department Arrest Report, California Superior Court Criminal Complaint and Plea Form (F07904397)
Exhibit ’15’: Letter from Respondent’s Mother
Exhibit ’16’: Letter of Employment
Exhibit ’17’: Additional Letters of Support
Exhibit ’18’: Respondent’s 2015 Income Tax Return
Exhibit ’19’: Witness List
Exhibit ’20’: Criminal History Chart
Exhibit ’21’: Letter from Respondent’s Sisters
Exhibit ’22’: Additional Letters of Support
A propos de l’auteur
Brian D. Lerner is a certified expert in Immigration Law, Removal and Deportation, Citizenship, Waiver and Appeals. He is an Immigration Lawyer and runs a National Immigration Law Firm for nearly 30 years. He is an attorney who is a certified specialist that might help in Immigration & Nationality Law as issued by the California State Bar, Board of Legal Specialization.