Much has been written and debated concerning the details of the creation account. In doing so, that which is of most importance has been missed. This is Gods Purpose for His Creation, which is seen in the way of His creation, His actions, and all He allowed to happen. Gods purpose and plan was not seen to begin with; consequently, a number of teachings resulted. These teachings have become tradition and are addressed herein by the following questions that reveal His purpose:
What did God mean when He called His creation good and very good?
Did God originally create Adam and Eve with immortal, physical bodies?
Were all animals and mankind originally created to be vegetarians?
Why did God cast Satan and his angels onto the earth and not elsewhere?
Did eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evilwhich God called goodinclude both physical and spiritual death?
What was the Tree of Life all about?
Was an animal killed when God made clothes out of skin for Adam and Eve, and if so, was it the first animal to die?
What all was cursed when Adam sinned?
What were the penalties because of Adams sin?
Understanding all of this sets the foundation for and enables us to see Gods purpose for his creation from the beginning in Genesis to the end in Revelation. This is God revealing the fullness of His nature and His loving mercy and grace, which was never before seen or experienced in His heavenly kingdom. This is specifically revealed through Jesus Christ.
A propos de l’auteur
Bruce Thomas grew up in a small western Colorado town and was raised in a family by godly parents for whom church was very important. He learned to enjoy the outdoors with his dad at an early age, so this enjoyment became his profession.
He graduated from the school of forestry at the time CSU was called Colorado Aggies and studied the sciences of God’s creation when evolution wasn’t an issue.
He served in the U.S. Air Force and for thirty-two years worked as a resource manager with the U.S. Forest Service. He retired over twenty years ago and lived in Salida, Colorado.
He and his wife recently moved to Lakewood, Colorado, to be near their youngest daughter. They have on older daughter and two boys in between plus eight grandchildren.
Bruce doesn’t claim to be a theologian or someone with any special education or human achievement that qualifies him to write this. He said that his only credential was the Holy Spirit, who reveals His Word to him. He endeavors to have a time of worship and in God’s Word every morning; he has taught an adult Sunday morning Bible class for many years at their Baptist church. He is an active member of the Gideons International and has been visiting jail inmates for over thirty years every Saturday when possible to give them New Testaments, present the gospel, and study the Bible.