Carolyn Mahaney is a pastor’s wife, mother, and homemaker. She has written several books along with her daughter, Nicole, including Girl Talk; True Beauty; and True Feelings. Carolyn and her husband, C. J., have four children and twelve grandchildren. They reside in Louisville, Kentucky, where her husband is the senior pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.
12 Ebooks par C. J. Mahaney
C. J. Mahaney: Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God (With a word to wives from Carolyn Mahaney)
‘Scripture illuminates the path of marital intimacy. The Song of Solomon shines brightly, showing us the way to the best sex we can possibly experience.’ …
Mark Dever: El evangelio y la evangelización personal
El evangelismo no sólo es incomprendido, es a menudo inpracticado. Muchos cristianos quieren compartir el Evangelio con otros, pero debido a que esos cristianos no entienden los fundamentos de testif …
C. J. Mahaney & John Loftness: Disciplinas para la vida
DISCIPLINAS PARA LA VIDA está diseñado para uso individual y grupal. La serie es la exposición lógica de cuatro convicciones firmes: La Biblia es nuestro estándar infalible de fe, doctrina y práctica …
Jonathan Leeman: Underestimated Gospel
Everyone is looking for power. Political campaigns play to the power of fear and hope; advertising agencies rely on the power of appetite, both wielding power by the means of words.But churches have …
John Piper & Justin Taylor: Sex and the Supremacy of Christ
The Bible has a way of shocking us. If Americans could still blush, we might blush at the words, ‘Rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all tim …
Gary and Betsy Ricucci: Love That Lasts (Foreword by CJ and Carolyn Mahaney)
Marriage is a profound and marvelous mystery established by God for his glory-and that is for our good. So many marital relationships never reach their greatest potential because they have the fatal …
John DelHousaye & Jeff T. Purswell: Scripture and the People of God
Scripture is the foundation for all of Christian life and ministry, but in our current age it is being challenged, doubted, and, in many cases, simply ignored. Wayne Grudem, one of evangelicalism’s b …
Mark Dever: The Gospel and Personal Evangelism (Foreword by C. J. Mahaney)
Evangelism is not only misunderstood, it is often unpracticed. Many Christians want to share the gospel with others, but because those Christians don't grasp the fundamentals of witnessing, they …