Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Of those that are yet to come there is also much to be said, and on this subject too a great deal of definite information 1s available. Such information is obtainable, first, from men who have already passed much further along the road of evolution than we, and have consequently direct experience of it; and, secondly, from inferences drawn from the ob vicus direction of the steps which we see to have been previously taken. The goal of this particular cycle, is in sight, though still far above us;-but it would seem that, even when that has been attained, an infinity of progress still lies before everyone who is willing to undertake it. One of the most striking advantages of Theosophy is that the light which it brings to us at once solves many of our problems, clears away many difficulties, accounts for the apparent injustices of life, and in all directions brings order out of seeming chaos. Thus while some of its teaching is based upon the observation of forces whose direct working is some what beyond the ken of the ordinary man of the world, if the latter will accept it as a hypothesis he will very soon come to see that it must be a correct one, because it, and it alone, furnishes a coherent and reasonable explanation of the drama of life which is being played before him.