Restorative justice (RJ) and restorative approaches (RAs) are becoming increasingly valued as a way of responding to a wide range of conflicts, including problem and offending behaviours. The growth in the use of RJ and RAs has been described as a ‘global social movement’ that sets out to repair harm, reduce conflict and harmonise civil society. This report takes a close look at the implementation of an RJ approach in the challenging environment of children’s residential care homes. It will appeal to people who are interested in the use of RJ, particularly its use with children and young people, as well as those interested in problem and offending behaviours in relation to children in care.
A propos de l’auteur
Carol Hayden is Professor in Applied Social Research at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies within the University of Portsmouth. She has published widely about her research in the field of vulnerable children and young people for a variety of audiences in social care, education, policy and criminology. Dennis Gough is Senior Lecturer in Penology at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth. He teaches and researches in the broad fields of punishment, prisons and their respective alternatives. His Ph D research is concerned with the governance of corrections.