Auteur: Carole « Lisa Lynn » Gilbert

Carole « Lisa Lynn » Gilbert is a wife, mom, Gma, and award winning Christian author. Carole »s love for imagination soars back to her childhood whims and her knowledge of writing and publishing prompted her love to write for children. She has one previous published book, « Unraveled, Time to Tell » by Lisa Lynn (pen name) which is her testimonial autobiography of a broken life unraveled to inspired living. With the guidance from God, she tells the secrets of a hard and sometimes brutal childhood and reveals the secrets she and her husband kept from their own children. Carole hopes no child ever has to experience anything more then the carefree, whimsical days of growing up and learning.

4 Ebooks par Carole « Lisa Lynn » Gilbert

Carole ‘Lisa Lynn’ Gilbert: Story Octopus
Every child needs writing skills in today’s world! Story Octopus is a fun character with a fun way of learning about a very important activity in all our lives, writing. We write for fun, s …
Carole ‘Lisa Lynn’ Gilbert: The Rowdy Sisters
The Rowdy Sisters is a fun, learning, book to read with your child and discuss the Scripture given. It includes four girls who are learning to get along and love each other and each others interests. …
Carole ‘Lisa Lynn’ Gilbert: Sapphire Jade Sparkles’ Most Special Day
Carole ‘Lisa Lynn’ Gilbert is a wife, mom, Gma to her Grandchildren, and an award winning Christian author. Her love for imagination soars back to her childhood whims and her knowledge of writing and …
TBD & Carole ‘Lisa Lynn’ Gilbert: The Nativity According to Mommy
Jake comes home from school and sees all the Christmas decorations up. He loves the Nativity scene but has many questions. Mommy has all the answers to Jake’s questions about the Nativity with the he …