Architecture SupportCatalogScience spirituelleArt / ArchitectureGénéral, dictionnairesHistoire de l’artBeaux-ArtsArchitectureDesign d’intérieur, DesignThéâtre, balletPhotographie, film, vidéo, télévisionAntiquitésAutre20 893 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Dr Richard Bohannon: Public Religion and the Urban Environment »Nature » and the »city » have most often functioned as opposites within Western culture, a dichotomy that has been reinforced (and sometimes challenged) by religious images. Bohannon argues here t … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.68 Philomena (Delft University of Technology) Bluyssen: The Indoor Environment Handbook Winner of the Choice Outstanding Academic Titles of 2010 award.Ensuring that buildings are healthy and comfortable for their occupants is a primary concern of all architects and building engineers. T … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.22 Pamela (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA) Karimi: Domesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran Examining Iran’s recent history through the double lens of domesticity and consumer culture, Domesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran demonstrates that a significant component of the modernization pr … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.38 Bob Cameron: Illumination and Decoration of Flat Surfaces It must be appreciated that no building surface is perfectly flat and that the best that can be expected is the appearance of flatness. Unfortunately, this appearance can easily be destroyed by the e … EPUB Adobe DRM €19.14 Nick Romanowski: Planting Wetlands and Dams Wetland planting can bring back biodiversity, reduce the impact of drought and flood, improve water quality and conserve beauty in a mismanaged landscape. Planting Wetlands and Dams is a step-by-step … EPUB Adobe DRM €50.20 G. H. R. Tillotson: Paradigms of Indian Architecture This book explores conceptions of Indian architecture and how the historical buildings of the subcontinent have been conceived and described. Investigating the design philosophies of architects and s … EPUB Adobe DRM €62.07 N. John Habraken & Andres Mignucci: Conversations With Form Through a progressive series of exercises – accompanied by observational studies, examples and applied theory – Conversations with Form: A Workbook for Students of Architecture improves designers’ un … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.88 Pamela Woolner: School Design Together The time is ripe for interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to school design. Whatever the current funding limitations, we still need to think about how we design, organise and use space in scho … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.82 Alan (University of Manitoba, Canada) Tate: Great City Parks Great City Parks is a celebration of some of the finest achievements of landscape architecture in the public realm. It is a comparative study of thirty significant public parks in major cities across … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.62 Carole (Formerly of Bournemouth University, UK) Ryan: Traditional Construction for a Sustainable Future Since the spread of classical design and construction amongst the upper echolons of British society in the late seventeenth century, traditional construction methods have largely fallen by the waysid … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.47 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×