Histoire de l’art SupportCatalogScience spirituelleArt / ArchitectureGénéral, dictionnairesHistoire de l’artBeaux-ArtsArchitectureDesign d’intérieur, DesignThéâtre, balletPhotographie, film, vidéo, télévisionAntiquitésAutre10 234 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Serena Dyer: Material Lives Eighteenth-century women told their life stories through making. With its compelling stories of women »s material experiences and practices, Material Lives offers a new perspective on eighteenth-cent … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.50 Anne Hollander: Fabric of Vision Clothing appears in all forms of figurative painting, often taking up two thirds of a frame; yet it can often go unnoticed. Far more than a simple means of identifying the status or occupation of a f … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.85 Elizabeth Way: Black Designers in American Fashion From Elizabeth Keckly »s designs as a freewoman for Abraham Lincoln »s wife to flamboyant clothing showcased by Patrick Kelly in Paris, Black designers have made major contributions to American fashi … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.28 Brian Donnelly: Reading Dante Gabriel Rossetti A revolutionary figure throughout his career, Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s work provides a distinctly revolutionary lens through which the Victorian period can be viewed. Suggesting that Rossetti’s work … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.21 Laurance Grove: Text/Image Mosaics in French Culture This study compares text/image interaction as manifested in emblem books (and related forms) and the modern bande dessinée, or French-language comic strip. It moves beyond the issue of defining the e … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.20 Massimo Vidale: Treasures from the Oxus In history, this grand arterial 1500-mile waterway was always seen as the natural frontier between the northern provinces of the Iranian empires and the outer Turanian lands. It was for centuries cen … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.05 Roxana Robinson: Georgia O »Keeffe: A Life (new edition) This is without question the best book ever written on O »Keeffe » New Yorker Born on a wheat farm in Wisconsin in 1887, the second of seven children, Georgia O »Keeffe had her eyes wide open to the … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.68 Deirdre Visser: Joinery, Joists and Gender Joinery, Joists and Gender: A History of Woodworking for the 21st Century is the first publication of its kind to survey the long and rich histories of women and gender non-conforming persons who wor … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.27 Mieke Bal: Thinking in Film What is a moving image, and how does it move us? In Thinking In Film, celebrated theorist Mieke Bal engages in an exploration – part dialogue, part voyage – with the video installations of Finnish ar … EPUB Adobe DRM €32.47 Alex Monroe: Two Turtle Doves »I imagine its being rediscovered with delight in some dusty book case a century hence and hailed as a classic » Spectator »A wonderful book, a hymn to the pleasurable process of making things » Th … EPUB Adobe DRM €15.46 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×