Théâtre, ballet SupportCatalogScience spirituelleArt / ArchitectureGénéral, dictionnairesHistoire de l’artBeaux-ArtsArchitectureDesign d’intérieur, DesignThéâtre, balletPhotographie, film, vidéo, télévisionAntiquitésAutre21 552 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Sarah Crompton: Sadler »s Wells – Dance House Sadler’s Wells is the world’s leading Dance House. Sadler’s Wells has developed new audiences for dance, this powerful and emotive art, for performances shown within its theatre spaces and outside – … EPUB Adobe DRM €30.07 Julie Hesmondhalgh: Julie Hesmondhalgh: A Working Diary Actor Julie Hesmondhalgh »s working diary begins in November 2016 at the end of a full and exciting year of theatre-making with her company, Take Back. The company is a northern-based collective crea … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.69 Penelope Freedman: ‘You’ and ‘Thou’ in Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet always use »thou » to each other, but they are the only pair of lovers in Shakespeare to do this. Why? All the women in Richard III address Richard as »thou », but no man ever does … EPUB Adobe DRM €18.48 John Snelson: Reviewing the Situation The British musical in its formative years has appeared in strikingly different guises: from the lasting hits of Oliver!, and Me and My Girl , to the successes of The Dancing Years, Bless the Bride a … EPUB Adobe DRM €92.34 Bernadette Cochrane & Katalin Trencsenyi: New Dramaturgy Recent shifts in the theatrical landscape have had corresponding implications for dramaturgy. The way we think about theatre and performance today has changed our approaches to theatre making and com … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.11 Ruth Leon: The Sound of Musicals The world of musicals is beautiful, complex, hilarious, hard-headed, and improbable. It is as hard to make a great musical as it is to fly a spaceship to the moon and there are at least as many movin … EPUB Adobe DRM €17.38 Syutaro Miyake: Kabuki Drama First published in 2006. Kabuki is the most popular form of Japanese traditional theatre. More fast-moving than Noh, it is a colourful and exciting spectacle based around traditional, historical and … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.36 Massimiliano Guido: Studies in Historical Improvisation In recent years, scholars and musicians have become increasingly interested in the revival of musical improvisation as it was known in the Renaissance and Baroque periods. This historically informed … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.70 Ms Donna Soto-Morettini: Mastering the Audition Frustrating, nerve-wracking, job-winning or job-losing, flawed yet necessary – auditioning is a maddening business for everyone involved. The people behind the audition desk are looking for a killer … EPUB Adobe DRM €28.99 Dr Mari R. Rostami: Kurdish Nationalism on Stage Since its emergence in the 1920s, Iraqi-Kurdish theatre was used as a tool of national identity building and modernisation. It promoted literacy, education and women »s rights and became one of the m … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.09 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×