Film SupportCatalogNonfictionMusique / Film / ThéâtreBiographies, AutobiographiesMusique – GénéralClassique, Opéra, Opérette, MusicalJazz, BluesPop, RockFilmTVThéâtreAutre1 668 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Michelle Le Blanc & Colin Odell: Studio Ghibli The animations of Japan's Studio Ghibli are among the most respected in the movie industry. Their films rank alongside the most popular non-English language films ever made, with each new releas … EPUB Anglais €11.99 Don Shiach: Great British Movies Which British movies are the best that this country has produced? In this volume Don Shiach encapsulates the peaks of the British film achievement from the beginning of the sound era to the first dec … EPUB Anglais €9.59 Bren Simson: Storytelling for Directors Storytelling for Directors will develop the communicative power of your storytelling, whether for the big or small screen, in long or short form. Without being prescriptive, the chapters explore the … EPUB Anglais €20.99 John Costello: Writing a Screenplay The recent explosion of unsolicited material written for the world’s greatest, sexiest entertainment medium has largely produced a mountain of wasted paper. Truth is, the many who write from scratch, … EPUB Anglais €7.00 Andy Glynne: Documentaries Andy Glynne subjects the whole documentary process to scrutiny with advice on: – Developing your concept – Funding – Writing pitches and treatments – Interview technique – Narrative – Writing comment … EPUB Anglais €15.59 Philip French: Notes from the Dream House Notes from the Dream House is a ‘best of’ selection of reviews by the celebrated Observer film critic Philip French. Spanning half the history of cinema, his reviews cover a great variety of films, f … EPUB Anglais €19.19 Christian Sellers & Gary Smart: The Complete History of The Return of the Living Dead The Return of the Living Dead film series has become one of the most successful zombie movie franchises of all time, gaining cult status across the world and inspiring movies such as 28 Days Later, S … EPUB Anglais €14.99 Mark O’Connell: Catching Bullets When Jimmy O’Connell took a job as chauffeur for 007 producers Eon Productions, it would not just be Cubby Broccoli, Roger Moore and Sean Connery he would drive to James Bond his grandson Mark swiftl … EPUB Anglais €3.59 Mark Campbell: Carry On Films Infamy! Infamy! They've All Got It In For Me! Beginning with the feel-good conscription caper Carry On Sergeant (1958) and finishing up with the much-maligned sex farce Carry On Emmannuelle (197 … EPUB Anglais €9.59 Georgina Shorter: Designing for Screen Design is at the essence of storytelling, but how does a production find its style and identity? This book explains how to approach design, whether for film, television, video promo or commercial mak … EPUB Anglais €16.99 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×