Jazz, Blues SupportCatalogNonfictionMusique / Film / ThéâtreBiographies, AutobiographiesMusique – GénéralClassique, Opéra, Opérette, MusicalJazz, BluesPop, RockFilmTVThéâtreAutre241 Ebooks dans cette catégorie SHER Music & Barry Finnerty: The Serious Jazz Book II Starting where he left off with his ‘Serious Jazz Practice Book, ‘ guitar legend Barry Finnerty has created another woodshed classic for all jazz soloists. Recording artist with Miles Davis, the Brec … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €25.99 Mark Berresford: That’s Got ‘Em! Association of Recorded Sound Collections Awards for Excellence Best Research in Recorded Jazz Music–Best History (tie) (2011) Wilbur C. Sweatman (1882-1961) is one of the most important, yet unheral … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €28.99 Olegario Diaz: Bob Berg Iconic Jazz Style Jazz players tend to be good sharers and good listeners–the qualities are virtually obligatory in often spontaneously conceived ensemble music. And the respect that the best players command can frequ … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €19.99 Paul de Barros: Shall We Play That One Together? The life of the unparalleled purveyor of the Great American Songbook, Marian Mc Partland, is celebrated in this engrossing biography From Bobby Short to Esperanza Spalding, across the 33-year run of … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €25.99 Thomas W. Jacobsen: The New Orleans Jazz Scene, 1970–2000 In 1966, journalist Charles Suhor wrote that New Orleans jazz was ‘ready for its new Golden Age.’ Thomas W. Jacobsen’s The New Orleans Jazz Scene, 1970-2000 chronicles the resurgence of jazz music in … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €19.99 Arnie Fox: Compendium of over 2000 Jazz Pianists … over 2000 jazz pianists listing the title of album or CD … introducing you to the great and the unknown jazz pianists … discography of the amazing Bernard Peiffer and Jessica Williams … inf … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €4.49 Jason Davis: How I Met Jazz In this book, Jason Davis shares his journey through the world of jazz music. From his early days as a child listening to Cannonball Adderley and Charlie Parker to his later years performing with som … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €10.99 Michael E. Veal: Living Space Living Space: John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Free Jazz, from Analog to Digital fuses biography and style history in order to illuminate the music of two jazz icons, while drawing on the discourses o … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €22.99 Benjamin Barson: Brassroots Democracy Brassroots Democracy recasts the birth of jazz, unearthing vibrant narratives of New Orleans musicians to reveal how early jazz was inextricably tied to the mass mobilization of freedpeople during Re … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €31.99 Olegario Diaz: State of The Art Postbop Intervalic Jazz Improvisation Exercises and Lines Phrases This book is a summary of both exercises and improvisation lines designed to enhance Intervalic Improvisation. The book covers scales, arpeggios, chromatic exercises and jazz line phrases from transc … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €22.99 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×