Économie SupportCatalogNonfictionPolitique / EconomieBiographies, AutobiographiesPolitiqueSociétéEconomie – GénéralAdministration des affairesÉconomieArgent, banque, bourseImmobilierAutre1 018 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Teresa Wright: Accepting Authoritarianism Why hasn’t the emergence of capitalism led China’s citizenry to press for liberal democratic change? This book argues that China’s combination of state-led development, late industrialization, and so … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €30.99 Marie Anchordoguy: Reprogramming Japan How have state policies influenced the development of Japan’s telecommunications, computer hardware, computer software, and semiconductor industries and their stagnation since the 1990s? Marie Anchor … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €24.99 Miles Kahler: Networked Politics The concept of network has emerged as an intellectual centerpiece for our era. Network analysis also occupies a growing place in many of the social sciences. In international relations, however, netw … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €21.99 Justin V. Hastings: A Most Enterprising Country North Korea has survived the end of the Cold War, massive famine, numerous regional crises, punishing sanctions, and international stigma. In A Most Enterprising Country, Justin V. Hastings explores … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €14.99 Rob Worth: Beat the Cuts How to improve public services and easily cut costs. While the public sector is faced with axing services to save billions and deliver 25% – 40% budget cuts, there are organisations that are not only … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €8.49 Lual A. Deng: The Power of Creative Reasoning Seventy-two percent of South Sudans population is under thirty years of age. It is this generation that must create a new South Sudanese identity that is inclusive of all its nationalities. In The Po … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €4.49 Michael P. Barry: Retirement Savings Policy Mike brings to this work his comprehensive experience and consummate technical talent in a beautifully readable book. A treasure. — Frank Cummings , Former Adjunct Lecturer in Law at UVA Law School, … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €74.95 Maria Ronay: We Have to Change Do you know enough about the worlds most pressing issues? Are you familiar with the consequences of climate change and methods for sharing the permissible carbon quotas? Are you aware that we are usi … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €7.99 Irakli Kovzanadze: Global Economy: Post-Crisis to Sustainable Development Almost ten years have passed since the onset of the global economic crisis, but scientists, businesspeople, bankers, and politicians continue to argue about its causes and whether it could have been … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €3.99 Erik Olin Wright: How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century Capitalism has transformed the world and increased our productivity, but at the cost of enormous human suffering. Our shared values equality and fairness, democracy and freedom, community and solidar … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €16.99 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×