Économie SupportCatalogNonfictionPolitique / EconomieBiographies, AutobiographiesPolitiqueSociétéEconomie – GénéralAdministration des affairesÉconomieArgent, banque, bourseImmobilierAutre1 018 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Fu-Lai Tony Yu: Subjectivism and Interpretative Methodology in Theory and Practice The contemporary social science in general and economics in particular are dominated by the method of logical positivism in the British tradition. In contrast to the British philosophy, ‘Subjectivism … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €40.99 George Caffentzis: Clipped Coins, Abused Words, and Civil Government This book situates John Locke’s philosophy of knowledge and his political theory within his engagement in British monetary debates of the 17th and 18th century. Anchored in extensive archival researc … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €26.99 Henry Rutz & Erol M. Balkan: Reproducing Class Middle classes are by definition ambiguous, raising all sorts of paradoxical questions, perceived and real, about their power and place relative to those above and below them in a class-structured so … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €30.99 Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations (with Introductions by Ernest Belfort Bax and Edwin R. A. Seligman) The foundation for all modern economic thought and political economy, ‘The Wealth of Nations’ is the magnum opus of Scottish economist Adam Smith, who introduces the world to the very idea of economi … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €9.99 Habib Ayeb & Ray Bush: Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa ‘Food Insecurity and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa’ studies the political economy of agrarian transformation in the eponymous regions. Examining Egypt and Tunisia in detail as case s … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €40.99 Edmond J. Clinton III: Major Harold Ferguson This is a true story from Maj. Harold Ferguson’s personal diary and letters describing his experiences during World War I and his life as a citizen of Los Angeles during the formative years of the 19 … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €3.99 Nadia Ramsis Farah: Egypt’s Political Economy This new study deals with the unfolding of the great political and economic transformations of the modern Egyptian state from the appointment of Muhammad Ali as governor of Egypt in 1805 to the era o … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €29.99 Samir Amin: The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism Renowned political economist Samir Amin, engaged in a unique lifelong effort both to narrate and affect the human condition on a global scale, brings his analysis up to the present—the world of 2013. … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €15.99 Myths of Capitalism Myths of Capitalismshows that tenets of the capitalist belief system the sanctity of private property, the social benefits of profit, etc. do not hold up under empirical scrutiny. It also addresses s … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €4.49 Michael Kidron: Capitalism and Theory: Selected Writings of Michael Kidron An inspiring speaker and brilliantly sophisticated theorist, Michael Kidron was a leading figure in the International Socialist tradition from the 1950s until his death in 2003. Never satisfied with … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €22.99 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×