Science SupportCatalogFictionLivres pour enfants / adolescentsVoyageGuideScience spirituelleScienceSciences socialesEcole / ApprentissageNonfictionGénéralMathématiquesInformatiquePhysique / AstronomieChimieSciences de la TerreBiologieTechniqueMédecine606 516 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Susan Stryker & Stephen Whittle: The Transgender Studies Reader Transgender studies is the latest area of academic inquiry to grow out of the exciting nexus of queer theory, feminist studies, and the history of sexuality. Because transpeople challenge our most fu … EPUB Adobe DRM €80.18 Martin Edmonds & Michael Tsai: Defending Taiwan Recent concern about mainland China »s intentions towards Taiwan, and more general concern about the risk of instability in the region, has led to growing interest in Taiwan »s military strategy, in … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.54 Ashwani Saith: The Agrarian Question in Socialist Transitions First published in 1986. This collection of eight essays begins with a piece that constructs a preliminary argument concerning the position of the peasantry in the twin transitions: the first to indu … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.74 Andrea Schapper: From the Global to the Local From the Global to the Local develops a unique perspective on human rights governance in developing countries, where the state often lacks the required resources, capacities and expertise for impleme … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.70 Ken Menkhaus: Somalia: State Collapse and the Threat of Terrorism This work explores Somalia »s state collapse and the security threats posed by Somalia »s prolonged crisis. Communities are reduced to lawlessness, and the interests of commercial elites have shifted … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.52 Joseph Needham: Within the Four Seas First published in 1969. Contains some of Joseph Needham »s most significant essays, lectures and broadcasts on the history of Chinese science, technology and culture. Also included are some more per … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.70 Heidi Rika Maria Pauwels: Krsna »s Round Dance Reconsidered Concerned with the process in Hinduism of reinterpreting classical texts and imbuing them with new inspiration. An example par excellence is Hariram Vyas »s Ras-pancadhyayi, the earliest known Braj B … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.32 J. D. Schmidt: Harmony Garden This is the first complete study of China »s most popular eighteenth-century poet in any Western language. The work consists of a detailed biography, a study of Yuan »s revolutionary reinterpretation … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.45 Carole Nichols: Votes and More for Women This fascinating book demonstrates the diversity of Connecticut’s women’s feminist activities in pre- and post-suffrage eras and refutes the notion that feminist activism died out with the passage of … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.49 Holly H. Ming: The Education of Migrant Children and China »s Future There are more than 225 million rural-to-urban migrant workers, and some 20 million migrant children in Chinese cities. Because of policies related to the household registration (hukou) system, migra … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.45 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×