Science SupportCatalogFictionLivres pour enfants / adolescentsVoyageGuideScience spirituelleScienceSciences socialesEcole / ApprentissageNonfictionGénéralMathématiquesInformatiquePhysique / AstronomieChimieSciences de la TerreBiologieTechniqueMédecine606 945 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Joe Cropp: The Humanitarian Fix This book investigates how humanitarians balance the laws and principles of civilian protection with the realities of contemporary warzones, where non-state armed actors assert cultural, political an … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.77 Margo Farnsworth: Biomimicry and Business Biomimicry, the practice of observing then mimicking nature s strategies to solve business challenges, offers a path to healthy profit while working in partnership, and even reciprocity, with the nat … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.46 Alice M. Nah: Protecting Human Rights Defenders at Risk This book assesses the construction, operation and effects of the international protection regime for human rights defenders, which has evolved significantly over the last twenty years in response to … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.01 Majid (Director of International Affairs, Eastern Washington University, USA.) Sharifi: Insecurity Communities of South Asia and the Middle East This book critically examines how US foreign policy has produced a regional regime of instability and insecurity in South Asia and the Middle East. It focuses on three interconnected zones of conflic … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.42 Victoria (University of Sheffield, UK) Biggs: Youth and Conflict in Israel-Palestine How are forbidden histories told and transmitted among young people in Israel/Palestine? What can their stories teach us about their everyday experiences of segregation and political violence? This b … EPUB Adobe DRM €34.71 Simon McCarthy-Jones: Spite Have you ever done something stupid, dangerous or self-sabotaging just to get one over someone else? Most of us have. Simon Mc Carthy-Jones draws on psychology, current affairs, literature and geneti … EPUB Adobe DRM €13.61 Lexi (Independent researcher, UK) Earl & Pat Thomson: Why Garden in Schools? This book delves into the complex history of the gardening movement in schools and examines the question why gardens should be built in schools. It offers practical guidance for teachers to begin thi … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.78 L.H. Gann: The Defense of Western Europe This book, first published in 1987, examines the defence forces of Western Europe and assesses Europe’s capacity to defend itself as the 1980s saw the Cold War balance of power shift towards the Sovi … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.52 Michele (IE University, Spain) Testoni: NATO and Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century This book explores the evolution and future relevance of NATO from the perspective of the member-states. Addressing the overarching question of the relevance of transatlantic relations in the 21st ce … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.83 Cortney Hughes Rinker: Actively Dying This book explores the experiences of Muslims in the United States as they interact with the health care system during serious illness and end-of-life care. It shifts ‘actively dying’ from a medical … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.41 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×