Chimie inorganique SupportCatalogScienceChimieGénéral, dictionnairesChimie théoriqueChimie inorganiqueChimie organiqueChimie physiqueAutre717 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Shuang-Quan Zang: Atomically Precise Metal Clusters A timely and comprehensive book that summarizes the recent progress in the surface modification and self-assembly of metal nanoclusters. Das E-Book Atomically Precise Metal Clusters wird angeboten vo … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €133.99 Pierre Villars & Karin Cenzual: Handbook Das E-Book Handbook wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: Anorganische Chemie, Anorganische Stoffe, Kristallographie, Materialwissenschaft, Crystallography, I … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €340.00 Hiroshi Nakazawa & Julian Koe: Organometallic Chemistry Designed for teaching, this English translation of the tried and tested Organometallic Chemistry 2/e textbook from the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry can be used as an introductory text for … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €94.99 Thomas M. Klapötke: Chemistry of High-Energy Materials This graduate-level textbook in a new revised edition treats the basic chemistry of high energy materials – primary and secondary explosives, propellants, rocket fuel and pyrotechnics – and provides … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €49.95 Marie-Paule Pileni: Metal Nano 3D Superlattices Metal Nano 3D Superlattices Unique view on producing metal nano 3D superlattices by differing their morphologies, crystalline structures, chemical, and physical properties After presenting an overvie … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €142.99 Pierre Villars & Karin Cenzual: Handbook Since the discovery of X-ray diffraction in 1913 over 100 000 different inorganic substances (also called compounds or phases) have been structurally characterized. The aim of this reference work is … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €330.00 Yoshiaki Nishibayashi: Transition Metal-Dinitrogen Complexes A comprehensive book that explores nitrogen fixation by using transition metal-dinitrogen complexes Nitrogen fixation is one of the most prominent fields of research in chemistry. This book puts the … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €153.99 Thomas M. Klapötke: Chemistry of High-Energy Materials This graduate-level textbook treats the basic chemistry of high energy materials – primary and secondary explosives, propellants, rocket fuel and pyrotechnics – and provides a review of new research … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €54.95 Felice Grandinetti: Noble Gas Chemistry Authored by one of the world’s leading experts in the chemistry of lighter noble gases, this comprehensive monograph fills the need for an up-to-date review of the diverse experimental techniques and … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €133.99 John A. Ripmeester & Saman Alavi: Clathrate Hydrates Clathrate hydrates are crystalline water-based solids that look like ice and can carry other type of materials, either gas or liquid. Such molecules are trapped inside the cages of hydrogen bonded, f … PDF Anglais Adobe DRM €336.99 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×