Logiciel d’application SupportCatalogScienceInformatiqueGénéral, dictionnairesInformatiqueLangages de programmationSystèmes d’exploitation, interfaces utilisateurLogiciel d’applicationCommunication de données, réseauxInternetMatérielAutre16 637 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Wayne Murphy: C++ Cookbook C++ continues to remain relevant despite the advent of many new modern languages. This book dives into the significant features of C++20 ("big four") and C++23, addressing challenges and im … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.34 Pooja Kelgaonkar: Mastering Snowflake Platform Handling ever evolving data for business needs can get complex. Traditional methods create bulky and costly-to-maintain data systems. Here, Snowflake emerges as a cost-effective solution, catering to … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.47 Mamoun Alazab & Yassine Maleh: Blockchain for Cybersecurity and Privacy Blockchain technology is defined as a decentralized system of distributed registers that are used to record data transactions on multiple computers. The reason this technology has gained popularity i … EPUB Adobe DRM €86.39 John Asatryan & Vardan Grigoryan: Expert C++ <p><b>Take your C++ skills to the next level with expert insights on advanced techniques, design patterns, and high-performance programming Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.40 Jimmy Engstrom: Web Development with Blazor Develop modern web UIs with Blazor Server and Blazor Web Assembly now introducing Streaming and Static Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and flexible hosting models in .NET 8Purchase of the print or Kindle … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.68 Lev Gelfenbuim: Web Testing with Cypress "Web Testing with Cypress" teaches you to test web apps on any browser or platform with zero environment setup in a developer-friendly, end-to-end web testing environment.When you read this … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.22 Mayur Borse: Modern Web Development with Deno Deno is a web platform that offers capabilities for Java Script and Type Script and supports modern web standards. It is a straightforward, up-to-date, secure runtime environment for web developers.T … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.37 Jared Poli: Excel BI and Dashboards in 7 Days Everyone thinks of Excel differently, and its full potential is often untapped. Businesses tend to decide to invest heavily in proper BI tools, perhaps wrongfully assuming that Excel has a minimal ro … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.37 Simon Trewin: The DataOps Revolution Data Ops is a new way of delivering data and analytics that is proven to get results. It enables IT and users to collaborate in the delivery of solutions that help organisations to embrace a data-dri … EPUB Adobe DRM €41.38 Lisa Keller & Robert Keller: Cross-Cultural Analysis of Image-Based Assessments: Emerging Research and Opportunities EPUB Adobe DRM €166.73 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×