Sciences de la Terre SupportCatalogScienceGénéralMathématiquesInformatiquePhysique / AstronomieChimieSciences de la TerreBiologieTechniqueMédecineGénéral, dictionnairesGéographieUrbanisme, aménagement du territoireGéologiePaléontologieMinéralogie, pétrographieAutre32 120 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Thomas Sanchez: The Right to Transportation Does transportation affect the lives of minority, low-income, elderly, and physically disabled citizens? The answer is yes, and those effects can be profound, according to The Right to Transportation … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.31 Kofi Asante-Duah: Hazardous Waste Risk Assessment Hazardous Waste Risk Assessment provides a concise yet comprehensive examination of concepts and techniques in risk assessment that can be applied to hazardous waste problems. The book emphasizes the … EPUB Adobe DRM €79.43 Fraser Smith: Environmental Sustainability In 1994, representatives from all over the world met in Costa Rica to discuss the impact of ecological economics on developing countries. That groundbreaking conference laid the foundation for this n … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.31 Epa: Composting This book aims to aid decision-makers in planning, siting, designing, and operating composting facilities. It is also useful to citizens, regulators, consultants, and vendors interested in the compos … EPUB Adobe DRM €43.63 Ross Mars: Basics of Regenerative Agriculture In an era where 40 percent of global food system emissions originate from agriculture, the imperative for a swift transition to an organic, highly productive, and carbon-sequestering approach is unde … EPUB Adobe DRM €11.55 Ivan S Turgenev: Virgin Soil "Virgin Soil" by Ivan Turgenev is a novel that delves into the political and social changes that occurred in Russia, during the 19th century, focusing on the themes of revolution and social … EPUB Adobe DRM €1.03 John (University of Birmingham) Gerrard: Fundamentals of Soils Fundamentals of Soil provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to soils and the workings of soil systems. This text is the only one of its kind to provide an attractive, lively and accessibl … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.61 David L. Rowell: Soil Science Offers a practical introduction to the various basic methods of assessing the properties of soil. Each method is explained in a concise and accessible manner, providing useful guidance on how each me … EPUB Adobe DRM €109.00 Philip R. Berke & Jennifer E. Dixon: Plan-making for Sustainability Around the introduction of Agenda 21 at Rio in 1991, some countries like the Netherlands and New Zealand were already leading the way with quite innovative approaches to environmental planning. Focus … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.84 Vaughn C. Nelson & Kenneth L. Starcher: Introduction to Bioenergy Explore a Major Component of Renewable Energy Introduction to Bioenergy takes a look at energy from biomass (thermal energy, power, liquid fuels, and biogas) and envisions a sustainable future fuele … EPUB Adobe DRM €173.73 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×