Soins SupportCatalogScienceMédecineGénéralSujets non cliniquesSujets cliniquesSoinsProfessions médicalesMédecine holistiqueDentisterieMédecine vétérinairePharmacie11 075 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Susan Lillyman & Pauline Merrix: Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Portfolios and Reflective Practice Reflective practice is a requirement for all healthcare professionals. This essential guide will help you develop the skills to be effective as a reflective practitioner within any clinical environme … EPUB Adobe DRM €11.60 Simona Badilescu & Muthukumaran Packirisamy: BioMEMS Written to cover often overlooked areas in the field of bio MEMS, this volume bridges topics related to biomolecules and complex biological entities with those directly related to the design, fabrica … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.66 Various: Wiley Paramedic eTextbook Collection Wiley’s Paramedic Science collection offers a range of titles to support your students through their training. These best-selling titles, widely adopted in UK universities, include the market-leading … EPUB Adobe DRM €12,825.11 Akihiro Miyauchi & Masatsugu Shimomura: Biomimetics Biomimetics is based on nature, while technology is based on economy. One of the solutions for a sustainable society is to learn a grand design of technology from nature. Methods that mimic nature ha … EPUB Adobe DRM €149.52 Susan Lillyman & Pauline Merrix: Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Record Keeping Effective record keeping is a sign of safe and skilled Nurses and Midwives and is a legal requirement for all Healthcare professionals. This pocket-sized guide provides you with the tools to write cl … EPUB Adobe DRM €11.61 Yuji Miyahara & Akihiro Miyauchi: Biomedical Engineering Several developed countries are facing serious problems in medical environments owing to the aging society, and extension of healthy lifetime has become a big challenge. Biomedical engineering, in ad … EPUB Adobe DRM €149.52 Various: Wiley Midwifery eTextbook Collection Wiley’s Midwifery collection offers a wide range of titles to support your students through their training. These best-selling titles, widely adopted in UK universities, include the market-leading At … EPUB Adobe DRM €12,899.32 Raymond V. Smith: Rehabilitation Engineering The purpose of this handbook is to bring together information on the special devices and associated systems which have been developed to assist the handicapped in living and vocational pursuits and i … EPUB Adobe DRM €676.08 Asniar & Marthoenis: Challenges in Nursing Education and Research This conference main theme is ‘Overcoming Global Health Challenges through Nursing Education, Research and Technology’. Topics of interests cover all theoretical and practical aspects of nursing and … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.24 Kelly Ryan: Wound Care Ideal for quick reference in any ward or community environment, this pocket-sized guide puts all the crucial information on wound care at your fingertips. It includes all you need to know on: EPUB Adobe DRM €11.56 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×