Etudes sur les médias SupportCatalogSciences socialesMédia / CommunicationGénéral, dictionnairesJournalismeLibrairie, librairieEtudes sur les médiasScience de la communicationAutre6 723 Ebooks dans cette catégorie Kent Worcester: Peter Bagge For fans of Peter Bagge (b. 1957) and his bracing satirical writing and drawing, this collection offers a perfect means to track how he describes his career choices, work habits, preoccupations, and … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €25.99 Anamik Saha: Race and the Cultural Industries Studies of race and media are dominated by textual approaches that explore the politics of representation. But there is little understanding of how and why representations of race in the media take t … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €17.99 Jean-Paul Gabilliet: Of Comics and Men Originally published in France and long sought in English translation, Jean-Paul Gabilliet’s Of Comics and Men: A Cultural History of American Comic Books documents the rise and development of the Am … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €30.99 Jeff McLaughlin: Graphic Novels as Philosophy Contributions by Eric Bain-Selbo, Jeremy Barris, Maria Botero, Manuel “Mandel” Cabrera Jr., David J. Leichter, Ian Mac Rae, Jeff Mc Laughlin, Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera, Corry Shores, and Jarkko Tuusvuor … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €30.99 Karin Wahl-Jorgensen: Emotions, Media and Politics Emotions have long been neglected in media research, although their role is a vital ingredient in shaping our shared stories and the ways we engage with them. But emotions, as they circulate through … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €17.99 David Lyon: Surveillance After Snowden In 2013, Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA and its partners had been engaging in warrantless mass surveillance, using the internet and cellphone data, and driven by fear of terrorism under the sig … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €17.99 Sarah R. Davies: Hackerspaces A new industrial revolution. The age of making. From bits to atoms. Many people are excited by the possibilities offered by new fabrication technologies like 3D printers, and the way in which they ar … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €17.99 Christina M. Knopf: Politics in the Gutters From the moment Captain America punched Hitler in the jaw, comic books have always been political, and whether it is Marvel’s chairman Ike Perlmutter making a campaign contribution to Donald Trump in … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €30.99 Kate Lacey: Listening Publics In focusing on the practices, politics and ethics of listening, this wide-ranging book offers an important new perspective on questions of media audiences, publics and citizenship. Listening is centr … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €18.99 Alexander R. Galloway: The Interface Effect Interfaces are back, or perhaps they never left. The familiar Socratic conceit from the Phaedrus, of communication as the process of writing directly on the soul of the other, has returned to center … EPUB Anglais Adobe DRM €16.99 Page suivante >>> 0 0 Caisse 0,00 × × × Changer la langue de l'utilisateur × ArabeAllemandAnglaisEspagnolFrançaisHindiIndonésienItalienMalaisNéerlandaisPolonaisPortugaisRoumainRusseSuédoisThaïlandaisTurcUkrainienVietnamienChinoisInternational Modal ×