Gain a deeper understanding of Asian financial reporting and how
to detect irregularities
The Asian region, and particularly China, is becoming a hotbed
of investment activity. There have been quite a few accounting
scandals in Asia in the recent years – now rivaling those we
have seen in the Americas and Europe. Assessing potential or active
overseas investments requires reliance on financial statements, the
full parameters of which may vary from region to region. To
Table des matières
Foreword xi
Genesis of This Book xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Introduction 1
Why Focus on Scandals in Asia? 2
How This Book is Organized 4
As You Begin 5
Notes ...
A propos de l’auteur
CHINHWEE TAN, CFA, CPA, is the founding partner in Asia for a leading global alternative investor, among the largest in the world. He is a pioneer in special si...