This volume makes a signal contribution to understanding and treating couples’ abuse. The editors and contributors expand the models of abusive relationships to include the special concerns of gay and lesbian couples, mutually violent partners, abusive women, and others. Based on a special issue of the respected journal
Violence and Victims, the book shatters myths surrounding domestic violence and sheds new light on a complex social problem. This volume will be a resource for counselors, therapists, and social workers concerned with domestic violence, as well as for students and educators in the field.
Table des matières
Introduction: Expanding Paradigms for Understanding and Intervening into Partner Violence,
Claire M. Renzetti and L. Kevin Hamberger
Gay and Bisexual Male Domestic Violence Victimization: Challenges to Feminist Theory and Responses to Violence, Patrick Letellier Are Bi-Directionally Violent Couples Mutually Victimized? A Gender-Sensitive Comparison, Dina Vivian and Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling Counseling Heterosexual Women Arrested for Domestic Violence: Implications for Theory and Practice, L. Kevin Hamberger and Theresa Potente Lesbian Battering: The Relationship Between Personality and the Perpetration of Violence, Vallerie E. Coleman Head-Injured Males: A Population at Risk for Relationship Aggression? William J. Warnken, Alan Rosenbaum, Kenneth E. Fletcher, Steven K. Hoge, and Steven A. Adelman Patriarchy and Wife Assault: The Ecological Fallacy, Donald G. Dutton Psychopharmacological Treatment of Aggressive Behavior: Implications for Domestically Violent Men, Roland D. Maiuro and David H. Avery Commentaries
Expanding the Boundaries: Toward a More Inclusive and Integrated Study of Intimate Violence, Susan L. Miller On Dancing With a Bear: Reflections on Some of the Current Debates Among Domestic Violence Theorists, Claire M. Renzetti Index
A propos de l’auteur
L. Kevin Hamberger, Ph D, is a Professor of Family and Community Medicine in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin.