Daniel Hill will never forget the day he heard these words:’Daniel, you may be white, but don't let that lull you into thinking you have no culture. White culture is very real. In fact, when white culture comes in contact with other cultures, it almost always wins. So it would be a really good idea for you to learn about your culture.’Confused and unsettled by this encounter, Hill began a journey of understanding his own white identity. Today he is an active participant in addressing and confronting racial and systemic injustices. And in this compelling and timely book, he shows you the seven stages to expect on your own path to cultural awakening.It's crucial to understand both personal and social realities in the areas of race, culture, and identity. This book will give you a new perspective on being white and also empower you to be an agent of reconciliation in our increasingly diverse and divided world.
Table des matières
Foreword by Brenda Salter Mc Neil
1. The Day I Discovered My World Was White
2. Flying Blind
3. What Is Cultural Identity?
4. Encounter
5. Denial
6. Disorientation
7. Shame
8. Self-Righteousness
9. Awakening
10. Active Participation
A propos de l’auteur
Brenda Salter Mc Neil is an ordained Christian minister, teacher and evangelist. Through her ministry, Salter Mc Neil Associates, she is a frequent speaker at churches, colleges and conferences nationwide. She previously served on the staff of Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship and has been a keynote speaker at several Urbana Student Missions Conventions. She is also coauthor (with Rick Richardson) of The Heart of Racial Justice.