Employing a lively and accessible writing style, author Daniel W. Barrett integrates up-to-date coverage of social psychology’s core theories, concepts, and research with a discussion of emerging developments in the field—including social neuroscience and the social psychology of happiness, religion, and sustainability. Engaging examples,
Applying Social Psychology sections, and a wealth of pedagogical features help readers cultivate a deep understanding of the causes of social behavior.
Table des matières
Part I: Foundations of Social Psychology
Chapter 1: Introducing Social Psychology
The Mystery of Romantic Attraction
Social Psychology Matters: Defining the Field
Social Psychology and the Quest for Human Nature
The Evolving Nature of Social Psychology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Principle Matters: Social Psychology′s Guiding Principles
Science Matters: Social Psychology is a Science
Doing Research: An Introduction to Research Methods
Final Thoughts: Social Psychology and Human Nature Revisited
Chapter 2: The Social Brain
The Case of Phineas Gage
What Is the Brain
Origins of the Social Brain
Anatomy of the Brain
Chromosome, Genes, and DNA
Doing Research: Methods of Social Neuroscience
Social Neuroscience and the Fundamental Questions
Final Thoughts: Evolution, Brain Plasticity, and Culture
Part II: Thinking About the Self and Others
Chapter 3: Social Cognition
Believing is Seeing
The Psychology of Social Thinking
The Nature of Social Cognition
The Dual Mind: Automatic and Controlled Processing
Heuristics: Mental Shortcuts
Doing Research: Reliability and Validity
Motivated Reasoning
Culture and Cognition
Final Thoughts: Free Will and Rationality Revisited
Chapter 4: What Is the Self?
The Many ‘Me′s’ of the Self
What Is the Self: The Self as Thinker and the Thought
Knowing Who We Are: Introspection and Self-Perception
Doing Research: Questioning Self-Reports and Surveys
Evaluating How We Are Doing
Self-Presentation: Displaying Oneself
Self-Regulation: Controlling Oneself
Final Thoughts: The Paradox of the Self
Chapter 5: Social Perception
‘Nice to Meet You. You′re Hired!’ Job Interviews in Seconds
Impression Formation
Biases in Social Perception
Nonverbal Communication and Emotional Expressions
Doing Research: The Challenges of Cross-Cultural Studies
Detecting Deception
How Observations Can Fail Us: Four Cognitive Illusions: Control, Gambling, Shooting Streaks, and Imagined Associations
Attributions: Determining the Causes of Behavior
Final Thoughts: Sex Categorization and Free Will
Part III: Interpersonal Influence
Chapter 6: Social Influence
Good People Turning Bad
Types of Social Influence
Six Principles of Interpersonal Influence
The Principle of Reciprocity
Conformity and the Social Validation Principle
Obedience and the Authority Principle
Doing Research: Deception and Ethics in Research
Obedience in the 21st Century: Milgram Revisited
Final Thoughts: The Upsides of Compliance, Obedience, and Conformity
Chapter 7: Attitudes and Persuasion
When Prophecies Fail
The Nature of Attitudes
The Origins of Attitudes
Two Routes to Persuasion
Elements of Persuasion
The Effects of Attitudes on Behavior
Doing Research: Measuring Attitudes
Cognitive Consistency and the Effects of Behavior on Attitudes
Final Thoughts: Resisting Persuasion
Part IV: Moral Behavior
Chapter 8: Helping
The Nature of Helping Behavior
Why We Help
Origins of Helping Behavior
When Do We Help?
Doing Research: Safeguarding Research Participants
The Empathy-Altruism Relationship
Person Factors Affecting Helping
Who Gets Helped?
Final Thoughts: A Broader View of Helping
Chapter 9: Aggression
Mass Shootings
The Nature of Aggression
The Origins of Aggression
When Do We Aggress?
The General Aggression Model
Doing Research: Archival Studies of Historical Aggression
Person Factors Affecting Aggression
The Route to Aggression: From Inputs to Outputs
Reducing Aggression
Final Thoughts: The Multiple Causes of Aggression
Part V: Affiliative Behavior
Chapter 10: Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
Anti-Immigrant Attitudes Around the Globe
The Nature of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
The Three Waves of Research on Racism
The Origins of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
Social Identity Theory
Contextual Factors
Doing Research: Measuring Implicit Attitudes
Person Factors
Specific Types of Intergroup Bias
The Effects of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
Overcoming Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination
Final Thoughts: The Changing Landscape of Prejudice
Chapter 11: Affiliation and Love
Friends with Benefits
The Nature of Affiliation and Love
Contextual Factors
Who is Attractive?
Evolutionary Perspective on Mate Selection
What is Love?
Doing Research: Examining Interpersonal Relationships
Relationship Satisfaction
Dating in the Virtual World
Final Thoughts: Does Facebook Make You Lonely?
Chapter 12: Group Processes
Sports-Related Riots
The Nature of Groups
Key Features of Groups
Groups and Behavior
Losing Onself in the Group: Deindividuation
Group Decision Making
Doing Research: Case Studies
Minority Influence
Final Thoughts: Crowd Wisdom and Smart Mobs
Part VI: Emerging Topics in Social Psychology
Chapter 13: Three Emerging Trends: The Social Psychology of Happiness, Religion, and Sustainability
The Intersection of Happiness, Religion, and Sustainability
The Social Psychology of Happiness
The Nature of Happiness
The Antecedents and Benefits of Happiness
Doing Research: Generalizing to the Real World
The Social Psychology of Religion
The Nature of Religious Belief
Origins and Benefits of Religious Belief
The Social Psychology of Sustainability
Final Thoughts: Subjective Well-Being and Sustainability
Author Index
Subject Index
A propos de l’auteur
Daniel W. Barrett is a Professor, Department of Psychology, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, and his B.A. from the College of Social Studies, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. Prior to joining WCSU, Dr. Barrett served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Health Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. At WCSU, he has served as the Director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, and the Director of Faculty Advising. He is currently the President of the WCSU University Senate. His research interests are persuasion, social influence, and cross-cultural psychology.