Auteur: Dario Maio

Dr. Davide Maltoni and Dr. Dario Maio are full Professors in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy. Dr. Anil K. Jain is a University Distinguished Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University, USA. Dr. Jianjiang Feng is an Associate Professor in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University, China. The authors’ extensive list of publications on biometrics include the Springer titles Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Introduction to Biometrics, Handbook of Face Recognition, Handbook of Biometrics, Handbook of Multibiometrics, Human Identification Based on Gait, Biometric Systems, Palmprint Authentication.   

6 Ebooks par Dario Maio

James L. Wayman & Anil K. Jain: Biometric Systems
The use of computers to recognize humans from physical and behavioral traits dates back to the digital computer evolution of the 1960s. But even after decades of research and hundreds of major deploy …
Anil K. Jain & Dario Maio: Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition
Overview Biometric recognition refers to the use of distinctive physiological and behavioral character- tics (e. g. , fingerprints, face, hang geometry, iris, gait, signature), called biometric ident …
Annalisi Franco & Dario Maio: Esercizi di progettazione di basi di dati
Il volume contiene una raccolta di esercizi che ha l'obiettivo di introdurre il lettore all'impiego di strumenti metodologici per la progettazione e realizzazione di basi di dati relazionali. …
Paolo Ciaccia & Dario Maio: Lezioni di Basi di Dati
Obiettivo del volume è fornire al lettore le nozioni fondamentali sulla tecnologia delle basi di dati relazionali. L'approccio è costruttivo poichè, oltre a fornire gli strum …
Davide Maltoni & Dario Maio: Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition
With their distinctiveness and stability over time, fingerprints continue to be the most widely used anatomical characteristic in systems that automatically recognize a person’s identity. This fully …