All of us know that users of the Web do not read advertisements onthe websites we visit, yet the online communities are emerging asthe next great media rely solely on this method to produce revenue.In The Social Network Business Plan, social network expert, David Silver presents and explains 18 cutting-edge methods to createrevenue for social network websites–none of which are advertising.He also predicts the demise of seemingly successful onlinecommunities such as My Space and Facebook that rely on advertisingas non-sustainable modalities. Silver describes and explains thatin the future new products and services will be introduced, talkedabout, rated, reviewed and recommended – or killed – by onlinecommunities. One example of the 18 new revenue channels that onlinecommunities are adopting is the sale to vendors of anonymizedconversations of the community members concerning those vendors’products or services. Another example is online communities whopartner with the internet providers to receive payment when aparticular online community’s information is downloaded usinf thatproviders service. The other sixteen revenue channels are equallyhead-turning!
Silver is the only angel investor, operating down where the rubbermeets the road, who is investing in online communities in theirinfancy, and writing about which ones will win and which ones willfail.
Table des matières
Chatper 1. Eighteen Sustainable Revenue Channels.
Chapter 2. Your Recommender Community as Theater.
Chapter 3. Mimic the Bakers and Copy Starbucks.
Chapter 4. Why Not Start Five Simultaneously?
Chapter 5. Loyalty and Passion Builders.
Chapter 6. Disruption: The Sumptuous Impertinence.
Chapter 7. Should You Sell, or Are You Having Too Mucdh Fun?
Chapter 8. Wrap-Up.
A propos de l’auteur
David Silver is the Pied Piper of social networks, having funded more than a dozen of them, including,, and, and has consulted for and many others. Before the social networks wave crashed onto his shore, David provided the early stage capital for Act Media, Cognition Technologies, Frontier Telecommunications, Intelepeer, TIE/communications, and Victor Kiam’s LBO of Remington Brands, among more than 600 other entrepreneurial companies.