We all know the bad news. Every day, along with all the bulletins on social upheavals and terrorist attacks, we read reports of another animal species on the brink of extinction, of how our ocean fisheries are collapsing, and of the damage industrial development is wreaking on our soil, air and water. We drive bigger cars, eat pesticide-sprayed, genetically altered foods and consume so much energy that even rich, industrialized countries suffer power outages. We seem intent on continuing to live this way, even though many scientific experts tell us our actions are suicidal.
The good news, Suzuki and Dressel tells us, is that thousands of individuals, groups and businesses are already changing their ways. A growing number of companies are still making money while benefiting their local communities. Anti-globalization activists and Third World villagers are learning how to practice real participatory democracy and create real community. Farmers and ranchers are sharing their land with other species, including predators and pests, while still prospering. Even some governments, local and national, are starting to base economic development strategies on our collective dependency on nature, while decreasing large-scale interference in our ecosystems.
Table des matières
1. Making Money Like a Bee
2. Withdrawing Consent
3. Using Coyotes to Grow Grass
4. A River Runs Through It
5. Eating Humble Pie
6. Listen For the Jaguar
7. Song of the Albatross
8. Wrestling with Pluto
9. Breaking out of the Box
List of Organizations
A propos de l’auteur
David Suzuki is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster and the host of The Nature of Things. He is the author or co-author of more than 30 books, including
Genethics and
Wisdom of the Elders (both with Peter Knudtson) and
The Sacred Balance (with Amanda Mc Connell), and he is the founder and chair of the David Suzuki Foundation. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. David was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Earthwatch Institute in March 2003.
Holly Dressel, co-author of
From Naked Ape to Superspecies, has been a writer/researcher for television, film and radio for 20 years. She has worked for CBC TV’s The Nature of Things, as well as on other television documentaries such as The Cola Wars and Memoirs of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. She was a researcher on Gwynne Dyer’s celebrated film series ‘War’. Dressel lives on a farm near Montréal with a changing parade of family, friends and animals.