What sex is to interpersonal relationships, eating is to the human-environment relationship: a consummation of humans’ connection to the living biosphere. But while sticking one’s tongue into a new and exciting environment may be an act as old as the planet, it can also lead to some nasty surprises. In this lively look at foodborne illnesses,
David Waltner-Toews discusses food-related problems caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, including death by puffer fish, rollicking tales of tapeworms, neurological problems brought on by ciguatera poison, and that old standby, botulism. He also examines the chemicals and antibiotics that have entered the food supply and the havoc they can wreak. And to help readers stop problems before they start, he offers common-sense solutions to confronting the complicated issue of foodborne disease. His witty approach makes a deadly serious subject accessible to all readers, while never minimizing the risk.
Table des matières
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
French Kissing on the First Date
1. Food, Sex, and Salmonella: What’s the Problem?
2. The Voice of the Unseen Guest: How People Get Sick
When She Stays for Breakfast
3. Salmonella Reading in Turkey: Foodborne Infections Caused by Salmonella
4. Cows, Cats, and Pure Country Water: E. Coli and Waterborne Infections
5. The Young and the Retching: Foodborne Bacterial Intoxications (Except Botulism)
6. Grandma’s Revenge: Botulism
7. It May Be Worms to You (But It’s My Bread and Butter): Parasites
8. Zombies from the Deep: Seafood Toxins
When She Moves In
9. Are We Safe Yet? Transforming Danger into Risk
10. One Person’s Cure, Another Person’s Coffin: Antibacterials, Pesticides, and Preservatives
11. Dancing Cat Meets Cadmium Carrot: Heavy Metals
12. Breadwiches, Peanut Livers, and Cancer-free Airline Snacks: Mycotoxins
13. There Is a Crack in Everything: Radioactive Contaminants
Spicing Up the Long-Term Commitment
14. Risks, Rights, and Righteous Eating: Revisiting Risk
15. Montezuma Rules the World: Deal with It
Further Reading
A propos de l’auteur
David Waltner-Toews is a veterinarian and epidemiologist specializing in diseases people get from animals by living with them, sharing their environments, or eating them. He is a professor in the Department of Population Medicine at the University of Guelph in Ontario, founding president of Veterinarians without Borders/Veterinaires sans Frontieres—Canada, and author of numerous books of poetry and nonfiction, including
One Animal Among Many: Gaia, Goats and Garlic and
The Chickens Fight Back. He has also published two textbooks and one work of fiction. He lives in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.