Deborah « Deb » Denney Terry wasborn in Albertville, Alabama, where shelived for most of her life. Deb is fulfillingGod »s calling on her life to serve Him invocationalministry: first, through musicministry as a singer-songwriter andrecording artist; second, through servingin various ministrypositions in churchesin Alabama and Florida, which she hasdone for over twenty years. Formerlythe Director of Children »s Ministry at Meadowbrook Baptist Churchin Alabamaand then at First Baptist Church in Orlando, Deb and herhusband, Scott, currently reside in Central Florida, where Deb serves Dr. James B. (Jim) Henry is one of themost respected Christian leaders of ourday. The author of eight books, Dr. Henryis a popular speaker and conference leader.Completing two terms as the president ofthe Southern Baptist Convention, thisdenominational leader serves on numerousboards and commissions throughout theUnited States. A graduate of GeorgetownCollege and New Orleans BaptistTheologicalSeminary, he served as the senior pastor of the mega churchFirst Baptist Church in Orlando for twenty-nine years. Residing inOrlando, Dr. Henry enjoys golfing, reading, traveling, and spendin
1 Ebooks par Deborah Terry
Jim Henry & Deb Terry: Alzheimer’s. Dementia What Now?
If you are caring for or supporting a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia you know that is not an easy journey. This book will give you practical advice mixed with spiritual wisdom and counsel gai …