‘Go and marry a prostitute.’ These are the first words God spoke to his prophet Hosea. Why would he ask this of one of his special spokesmen? Because he wanted to teach Hosea, the nation of Israel, and all of us today a lesson we will not forget, a lesson that is painful yet joyous.
Hosea’s sombre portrait of the human condition is our lesson in pain. All of us have played the harlot by forsaking God and his ways. The picture is not pretty but it’s true. Yet Hosea’s clear illustration of God’s love for us brings joy. While we are yet sinners, God comes to us and loves us.
Derek Kidner imaginatively takes us through the unfolding story of Hosea and his wife Gomer, explaining the basic message, pointing out the subtleties, and encouraging readers to live lives worthy of the God who loves the loveless.
Table des matières
General preface vii
Author’s preface ix
Chief abbreviations x
To the reader . . . 1
Part 1: A parable from life 7
(Hosea 1 – 3)
1. Introducing Hosea (1:1) 9
2. An ominous beginning (1:2-9) 11
3. A rift in the clouds (1:10 – 2:1) 16
4. The lovers and the Lover (2:2-23) 19
5. ‘Love… as the Lord loves’ (3:1-5) 30
Part 2: The parable spelt out 35
(Hosea 4 – 14)
6. A people without understanding (4:1-19) 37
7. The prospect darkens (5:1-14) 46
8. Let us press on to know the Lord (5:15 – 7:2) 51
9. Decadence (7:3-16) 57
10. Sowing the wind, reaping the whirlwind (8:1-14) 62
11. Wanderers among the nations (9:1-17) 69
12. ‘Time to seek the Lord’ (10:1-15) 75
13. ‘How can I give you up?’ (11:1-11) 82
14. Look back and learn! (11:12 – 12:14) 87
15. The unmaking of a kingdom (13:1-16) 93
16. The way home (14:1-9) 98
Map: Assyria and the west 105
Map: The break-up of Israel 106
Chronological table 107
A bird’s-eye view of the book 113
A propos de l’auteur
Derek Kidner (M.A., A.R.C.M.) was formerly warden of Tyndale House, Cambridge. He wrote several volumes in the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary series.