In this far-ranging and heartening collection, Derrick Jensen gathers conversations with environmentalists, theologians, Native Americans, psychologists, and feminists, engaging some of our best minds in an exploration of more peaceful ways to live on Earth. Included here is Dave Foreman on biodiversity, Matthew Fox on Christianity and nature, Jerry Mander on technology, and Terry Tempest Williams on an erotic connection to the land. With intelligence and compassion, Listening t...
Table des matières
1. Dave Foreman
2. Christopher Manes
3. David Orr
4. Thomas Berry
5. Charlene Spretnak
6. John A. Livingston
7. Matthew Fox
8. David Ehrenfeld
9. John ...
A propos de l’auteur
Derrick Jensen is the prize-winning author of A Language Older than Words, The Culture of Make Believe, Listening to the Land, Strangely Like War, Welcome to th...