Gain insight into the mechanical properties and performance of engineering ceramics and composites. This collection of articles illustrates the Mechanical Behavior and Performance of Ceramics & Composites symposium, which included over 100 presentations representing 10 countries. The symposium addressed the cutting-edge topics on mechanical properties and reliability of ceramics and composites and their correlations to processing, microstructure, and environmental effects.
Table des matières
Mechanical Properties and Performance.
R&D of Advanced Ceramics Activites in China and Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinese Academy of Sciences (SICCAS).
Fabrication of Silicon Nitride-Multi Walled Nanotube Composites by Direct In-Situ Growth of Nanotubes on Silicon Nitride Particles.
Synthesis of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (3YTZP) Multi Walled Nanotrube (MWNTs) Nanocomposite by Direct in Situ Growth of MWNTs on Zirconia Particles.
Processing Microstructure and Mechanincal Properties of Ultra High Temperature Ceramics Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering.
Fabrication of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites Potential for Ultra-High Temperature Applications.
Estimation of Sintering Warpage of a Constrained Ceramic Film.
Long-Term Temperature Gradient Stress Relaxation Testing and Modeling of Ceramic Insulation Materials.
From Conventional to Fast Sintering of Zirconia Toughened Alumina Nanocomposites.
Fatigue Characterization of Melt-Infiltrated Woven HI-NIC-S/BN/SIC Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Using A Unique Combustion Test Facility.
Effect of Si C Content and Third Phase Metal Additions on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Si/Si C Ceramics.
Compressive Strength Degradation in Zr B2-Si C And Zr B20Si C-C Ultra High Temperature Composites.
Si C Nanometer Sizing Effect on Self Healing Ability of Structural Ceramics.
Creep and Fatigue Behavior of Mi Si C/Si C Composites at Temperature.
Self-Crack-Healing Behavior Under Combustion Gas Atmosphere.
Selection of a Toughened Mulite for a Miniature Gas Turbine Engine.
Comparison in a Foreign Object Damge between Si C/Si C and Oxide/Oxide Ceramic Matric Composites.
Ti3(Si1Ai)C2 for Nuclear Application: Investigation of Irradiation Effects Induced by Charged Particles.
Heavy Ions Induced Damages in Ti3Si C2: Effect of Irradiation Temperature.
Titanium Carbide and Silicon Carbide Thermal Conductivity Under Heavy Ions Irradiation.
Corrosion Resistance of Ceramics in Vaporous and Boiling Sulfuric Acid.
Unlubricated Clutch System Based on the Function Relevant Friction Pairing Advanced Non-Oxide Ceramic vs. Steel.
Nondestructive Inspection of Ceramic of Bearing Balls Using Phased Array Ultrasonics.
Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Si O2-Added Leucite Ceramics.
Inorganic Polymers (Geopolymers) as Advanced Materials.
Properties and Performace of Si-Rich Geopolymer Binder Systems.
Cold Setting Inorganic Networks Including Phosphates.
Properties of Phosphorus-Containing Geopolymer Matrix and Fiber-Reinforced Composite.
Formation of an Iron-Based Inorganic Polymer (Geopolymer).
Consolidated Geo-Materials from Sand or Industrial Waste.
Alkali Actrivated Aerogeis.
Author Index.
A propos de l’auteur
Dileep Singh, Argonne National Laboratory.