Dirk Meissner is Deputy Head of the Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies at HSE and Academic Director of the Master Program “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation”. Dr. Meissner has 20 years experience in research and teaching technology and innovation management and policy. He has strong background in science, technology and innovation for policy making and industrial management with special focus on Foresight and roadmapping, science, technology and innovation policies, funding of research and priority setting. Prior to joining the HSE Dirk was responsible for technology and innovation policy at the presidential office of the Swiss Science and Technology Council. Previously he was management consultant for technology and innovation management with Arthur D. Little. He is and was member of international working groups on technology and innovation policy. Dirk represented Switzerland and currently the Russian Federation at the OECD Working Party on Technology and Innovation Policy.
Erkan Erdil studied Political Science and Public Administration at Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara. He received Bachelor of Science degree in 1990. In 1990, he started studying Economics at the same university. He received Master of Science degree in 1994. He further received Ph.D. in 2001 from University of Maastricht. He was appointed as instructor in 1997 and as the vice-chairman of the Department of Economics at METU. He was, then appointed as associate professor in 2005 and professor in 2011. He is also the director of Science and Technology Policies Research Center (METU-TEKPOL) since 2002. He served as National Delegate for 7th Framework Programme, Research Potential and Regions of Knowledge between 2007 and 2013. He is also the board member of GLOBELICS (The global network for the economics of learning, innovation, and competence building systems). He teaches introductory economics, microeconomics, statistics, econometrics, and technology and work organization courses. His main areas of interest are labor economics, economics of technology, applied econometrics, economics of information and uncertainty. He worked in research projects of national and international organizations. He has been author/co-author, and referee of articles in American Economic Review, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Agricultural Economics, METU Studies in Development and presented papers to various international conferences.
Joanna Chataway is Professor of Science and Technology Policy at SPRU, University of Sussex. She was formerly Director of the Innovation, Health and Science Group at RAND Europe. She has held senior positions and appointments across a range of academic, policy research, consulting and research funding bodies. Joanna has more than 25 years of experience in the areas of research, innovation and technology policy. She has particular expertise in the fields of health innovation and international development and has researched extensively the range of factors that influence the rate and direction of product and process innovation in health. Her research has spanned public and private sectors and she has worked in industrially developed and developing countries. In relation to innovation, she has researched and reported on regulation, standards, public opinion, finance, public/private partnerships, intellectual property rights and institutional and organizational arrangements more broadly. For many years Joanna was a professor at The Open University. Chataway received her Ph.D. from The Open University. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society and is a visiting senior researcher at the University of Edinburgh. She is named in the Academia.Net database of Outstanding Female Academics. Joanna is currently a member of the BBSRC Bioscience in Society Strategy Panel, Vice President of the Globelics innovation and development network.
19 Ebooks par Dirk Meissner
Dirk Meissner & Leonid Gokhberg: Emerging Technologies for Economic Development
This book provides an impressive overview of emerging technologies, especially nanotechnologies and biotechnologies, and their prospective applications. It identifies and describes existing and poten …
Leonid Gokhberg & Dirk Meissner: Deploying Foresight for Policy and Strategy Makers
This book develops foresight techniques to turn future societal challenges into opportunities. The authors present foresight approaches for innovation policy and management. Future developments in fi …
Dirk Meissner & Erkan Erdil: Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University
The book explores different approaches towards the ‘entrepreneurial university’ paradigm, explores channels and mechanism used by universities to implement the paradigm and contributes to the pu …
Dirk Meissner & Leonid Gokhberg: Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for the Future
The book gives practical guidance for policy makers, analysts and researchers on how to make the most of the potential of Foresight studies. Based on the concept of evidence-based policy-making, For …
Martin Wehrle: Ich arbeite in einem Irrenhaus
In deutschen Betrieben herrschen haarsträubende Zustände – ob in mittelständischen Unternehmen oder großen Konzernen, die zunehmend zu geschlossenen Anstalten mutieren. Tyrannische Chefs pflegen ihre …
Martin Wehrle: Ich arbeite immer noch in einem Irrenhaus
Martin Wehrle ist erneut dem Irrsinn in deutschen Firmen auf der Spur. In deutschen Betrieben herrschen unverändert haarsträubende Zustände: Die eine Firma verheimlicht ihren Mitarbeitern eine Bomben …
Dirk Meissner: Der letzte Leistungsträger
Von der Einkaufsabteilung über den Kundenservice bis hin zu den Chefetagen: Dirk Meissner hat sich auf die Suche gemacht nach den letzten Leistungsträgern unserer Wirtschaft. Vor die Zeichenfeder gel …
Dirk Meissner: Der letzte Leistungsträger
Von der Einkaufsabteilung über den Kundenservice bis hin zu den Chefetagen: Dirk Meissner hat sich auf die Suche gemacht nach den letzten Leistungsträgern unserer Wirtschaft. Vor die Zeichenfeder gel …
Dirk Meissner & David Sarpong: Corporate Foresight and Innovation Management
This book sheds light on what has come to be known as corporate foresight and its influence on innovation management. Throughout the book, the contributors examine the practice of corporate foresight …
Dirk Meissner & David Sarpong: Corporate Foresight and Innovation Management
This book sheds light on what has come to be known as corporate foresight and its influence on innovation management. Throughout the book, the contributors examine the practice of corporate foresight …
Tugrul U. Daim & Dirk Meissner: Innovation Management in the Intelligent World
This book introduces readers to state-of-the-art cases and tools for managing innovation in today’s rapidly changing business environment. It provides a wealth of methodological knowhow and guidance …
Jeong-Dong Lee & Keun Lee: Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and sele …
Jeong-Dong Lee & Keun Lee: Challenges of Technology and Economic Catch-up in Emerging Economies
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and sele …
Hermann Ehmann: Läuft!
Sind auch Sie umgeben von Fast Learnern und Top-Achievern, die morgens sauber delivern, mittags einmal alles durchchangen, nachmittags die Partnerlandschaft optimieren und on top noch abends ihr Mind …
Dirk Meissner & Leonid Gokhberg: The Knowledge Triangle
This book helps readers understand how universities position themselves in the innovation landscape and the implications for national policies. It provides a scholarly discussion and best practice–ba …
Christian Solmecke: Der Taschenanwalt
Mit dem Auto in zweiter Reihe parken, um kurz die Hemden aus der Reinigung abzuholen, kostet Autofahrer ein Bußgeld von 55 Euro. Wer noch dazu mit dem Warnblinker auf sein stehendes Fahrzeug aufmerks …
Christian Solmecke: Der Taschenanwalt
Mit dem Auto in zweiter Reihe parken, um kurz die Hemden aus der Reinigung abzuholen, kostet Autofahrer ein Bußgeld von 55 Euro. Wer noch dazu mit dem Warnblinker auf sein stehendes Fahrzeug aufmerks …
Oliver Tissot & Dirk Meissner: Warum Chefs immer recht haben und Mitarbeiter nicht mitdenken sollten
Wer traut sich, dem Chef die Wahrheit zu sagen? Oliver Tissot ist der Hofnarr des deutschen Unternehmensadels: Wo andere den Finger in die Wunde legen, kitzelt er lieber einen Lacher heraus – bis es …
Tugrul U. Daim & Robert Phaal: Next Generation Roadmapping
Roadmapping is a structured visual approach for supporting strategic technology and innovation management, providing strategic navigational support (hence the “roadmap” metaphor) for technologists, d …