The Spirit Made Me Do It
Difficult life lessons learned the hard way made simpler via God’s way
Would have, could have, should have were all I could come up with after I finally got around to reading the Bible midway through my fifty-eighth year of life. Being a retired English teacher, I have read my share of fine novels, short stories, plays, poems and letters over the years, each with its premise, lesson or moral. But the Bible, the most important literary work of all. I had deliberately avoided. I reasoned that ‘not knowing’ would somehow diminish my accountability for the flaws of my imperfect existence. Ignorance was almost bliss for a while.
This cop out was working just fine for me until life threw me a succession of 140 mph fast and curve balls. I got beamed something fierce, but it knocked some much needed sense into me. Yes, there was a weighty price for my knowledgeable ignorance, but I believe I know that I’m better for it. So, look at me now….spreading the ‘good news’ in the only humble way I know how. Who would have ever thought? The Holy Spirit? Only God knows.
I do hope that you enjoy reading these verses and consider them heaven sent as I certainly do. It’s the only way I can account for something or someone, God Almighty. The Spirit Made Me Do It.
A propos de l’auteur
I, a baby boomer, was born in Brooklyn, NY. I lived and
worked there most of my life before retiring from the New York
City Department of Education in 2004. After more than three
decades of loyal service, it was a relationship that I loved but which
ended unexpectedly, as did the break up of my equally long
marriage. The separation in both regards was equally traumatic and
painful for me, to say the least.
The psychological and emotional pain of losing two things I
held most dearly was the catalyst for this, and other creative
endeavors which lay dormant for years. I am not sure they would
have ever come into existence if it had not been for the personal loss,
pain, and suffering. Before these occurrences, I lived pretty much on
the edge of success and disaster, always tempting fate, pushing my
luck, my body, and my family to the extreme. Daring disaster,
compromising, and/or negotiating with God and the devil is pretty
pompous behavior, and I confess it.
It was not until I came to realize that one’s life,
circumstance, and the people you love are not to be taken for
granted, did I wise up. Especially when it is “you” who would
ultimately be taken advantage of and summarily disposed.
Everything you cherish can be gone, stripped and ripped from you,
in an instant. Leaving you alone, forlorn, and forsaken. Simply
tossed aside, you find yourself clicking your heels like some poor
child repeating, “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like
home.” Too bad you’ve no home to go to now, and you can trust no
That’s when God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who
were always with me anyhow, said to me, Telly Savales aka Kojak
style, “Donnie my boy, who loves you baby?” And just like a kid
with a lollipop, I’ve been a sucker for the power of God and His
merciful grace because it is what it is and I am what I am. If He can
deliver me, and He did, hey, I’ve got to believe that we all have a
shot at redemption and a second chance in life. But, only if you really
want it. Step out in faith, believe it, and take it. Don’t look back.
Look forward; look up.