The cover design of the author, with Sholem Alekhem in the Wall Street station of the IRT in New York City, is an obvious example of Narishkeit, or foolishness. Well, not exactly. For in my imagination, it was he who inspired me to write these stories depicting the humor that sustained the Jewish people through two thousand years of Diaspora tragedy. It is that tradition that this collection of stories and Gom Zu has been written. We must not allow that world of long ago to be lostever.
A propos de l’auteur
Ed Miller, eighty-seven, was born and raised Brooklyn, New York. He is published author, poet, creative writer, artist, retired art teacher, Iwo Jima-Marine Corps Veteran, Fresh Meadows poet. He has published his autobiography, Memories and Pseudo-Memories, and Witness!, which is poetry about the Holocaust. He is a retired teacher, has an MFA from CUNY, and is a Queens resident.