Lord Exenham Creates a Sensation by Edgar Wallace is a masterful blend of suspense, drama, and high-stakes intrigue. Set in the opulent world of British aristocracy, the story follows Lord Exenham, a powerful figure whose life is upended by a series of shocking events. As dark secrets from his privileged past begin to surface, Exenham finds himself ensnared in a dangerous game of power, deception, and betrayal. With enemies closing in and allies in short supply, Exenham must use all his cunning to navigate the treacherous waters of high society. Will he emerge unscathed, or will his past sins bring about his downfall? This gripping tale will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.
A propos de l’auteur
Edgar Wallace was an English writer, known for his prolific literary output and famous for his detective-themed works. Born ‘Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace’ in London in 1875, he grew up in poverty and left school at the age of twelve. At twenty-one, he joined the army and worked as a war correspondent for Reuters during the Second Boer War. His most famous works include The Council of Justice, The Clue of the Twisted Candle, and The Seven Locks, along with many serialized short stories and collections such as Sanders of the River. He also created the character ‘King Kong.’ Wallace passed away in 1932.