A Unifying Worldview for Conscious Collaboration with contributions from Jude Currivan, Duane Elgin, Ervin Laszlo, Lynne Twist, Ken Wilber and fellow thought leaders who share the science and spirit of how our interconnection can serve our global family and change the world.
The Holomovement is wholeness in motion and compassion in action working together for the betterment of all. The Holomovement has always existed; as we enter this unitive age, its evolutionary impulse is uniquely alive in each of us, weaving together the consciousness of the whole. It is a call to unity, but not uniformity. Our evolution and emergence of inherent potential depend upon the planetary-scale synergistic relationships and dynamic coevolutionary partnerships we’re nurturing in these unprecedented times. The Holomovement embraces this diversity, inviting you to participate in catalyzing a social movement to balance and harmonize our relationship with each other, the planet and cosmos.
Explore evidence-based understanding and inspirational accounts of the living universe and our integral place in its evolution. In this grand unfolding from simplicity to complexity and diversity toward ever greater levels of interdependence, you will better understand how your own purpose in the evolutionary process is critical to this movement. Find inspiration in this anthology to actively support the wholeness in motion around us, integrating your unique gifts and the Holomovement’s unifying values into a collective story of our time that serves the greatest good.
Table des matières
Foreword by William Keepin, Ph D
Preface by Robert Atkinson, Ph D
Introduction by Emanuel Kuntzelman
PART I Attributes of the Implicate Order: Understanding Reality in Its Wholeness
1. Naming the Nameless by Ben Bowler, including Patricia Anne Davis, Dr. John Cobb & Ramesh Bijlani
2. A Unitive Narrative: Cosmology Underpinning the Holomovement by Jude Currivan, Ph D
3. The Holotropic Attractor by Ervin Laszlo, Ph D
4. A Holistic Design and Biomimicry Approach to Catalyzing a Regenerative World by Brian Russo, Sheri Herndon & Eli Kline
5. Supercoherence and the Intelligence of the Cosmos by J.J. Hurtak, Ph D, Ph D, Desiree Hurtak, Ph D & Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph D
6. Values, Consciousness and the Holomovement: Grounding the New Paradigm by Joni Carley & Phil Clothier
Spotlight: Supporting a Unitive and Transformational Agenda for Global Change by the SDG Thought Leaders Circle Members
7. The Sophia Century: Divine Feminine Rising by Lynne Twist & Mary Earle Chase
8. Ecological Civilization: The Human Transition from Domination to Partnership by David Korten & Riane Eisler
Spotlight: Politics of Being by Thomas Legrand, Ph D
The Whole Is All There Is: Part I by Robert Atkinson, Ph D
Holomovement in an Integral Vision by Doug King, Kurt Johnson, Ph D & Nomi Naeem
Waking Up, Growing Up, Opening Up, Cleaning Up and Showing Up by Ken Wilber
The Whole Is All There Is: Part II by Robert Atkinson, Ph D
PART II Attributes of the Explicate Order: Experience, Practice and Action Towards Wholeness
9. Healing the Noosphere by David Sloan Wilson, Ph D & Jeff Genung
10. Quickening Holism: The Essential Role of Education by Peter Blaze Corcoran, Ph D
Spotlight: Holo-Education and the Unitive Narrative by the Evolutionary Leaders Education Synergy Circle Members
11. The Art of Altruism; Redefining Our True Nature by Rhiannon Catalyst & Jill Robinson
12. Building Bridges Toward Unitive Healing: Three Personal Paths of Communication to Unite and Uphold Justice by Elena Mustakova, Ed D, Marty K. Casey & Amikaeyla Gaston
Spotlight: Declaration for Unitive Justice by the Evolutionary Leaders Unitive Justice and Global Security Synergy Circle Members
13. A Mycelium Network in Action: Weaving Unity and Difference into a Movement of Movements by Masen Ewald
14. Earth Voice as Holomovement; Serving the Well-Being of All Life by Duane Elgin
Spotlight: Giving a Name to a New Story by Lynnaea Lumbard, Ph D
15. The Holomovement as a Return to Wholeness by Julie Krull, Ph D, Shamini Jain, Ph D & Teresa Collins
16. Purpose: The Soul of the Holomovement by Rev. Deborah Moldow, including Justin Faerman, Jean Houston, Ph D & Constance Buffalo
Appendix: Communities of Action
About the Contributors
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