The book offers an interdisciplinary perspective on finance, with a special focus on stock markets. It presents new methodologies for analyzing stock markets’ behavior and discusses theories and methods of finance from different angles, such as the mathematical, physical and philosophical ones. The book, which aims at philosophers and economists alike, represents a rare yet important attempt to unify the externalist with the internalist conceptions of finance.
Table des matières
Methods and Finance A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy Part I – The view from outside
1Methods and finance. A view from outside, E. Ippoliti.- 2. Mathematical Representation in Economics and Finance: Empirical Relevance and Philosophical Preference Ping Chen (China Center for Economic Research, University of Texas at Austin).- 3Behind the price Barucca P.- F. Lillo. (Normale di Pisa).- 4On the description of financial markets: a physicist’s viewpoint Caprara, S. (Physics Sapienza).- Sylos-Labini, (ISC-CNR & Enrico Fermi Institute).- 5Research habits in risk modelling: the case of non-normality of market returns in the 1970s and the 1980s, Boudewijn de Bruin (University of Groningen) – Christian Walter (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).- 6Super-exponential bubbles and expectations: theory, simulations and empirics-Matthias Leiss (ETH Risk Center).
Part II – The view from inside
7Methods and finance.A view from inside, E. Ippoliti.- 8Contemporary Finance as a Critical Cognitive Niche Magnani L.– Bertolotti, T. (University of Pavia).- 9The Sciences of Finance, Their Boundaries, Their Values, Alex Preda (King’s College London).- 10Quantification Machines and Artificial Agents in Global Finance: Historical-Phenomenological Perspectives from Philosophy and Sociology of Technology and Money, M. Coeckelbergh (De Montfort University, UK).- 11Dark Data: some Methodological Issues in Finance, E. Ippoliti (Sapienza University of Rome).