The generation of meaning is the primary precondition for acting and thinking. The essays in this volume contribute to a discourse on this matter with a decentred, globalized world in mind. The notions civilization, humanism and modernity – far from being exclusively Western ideas – may facilitate joint efforts of reflecting on the universality of current human conditions, particularly since such reflexion is possible from particular cultural perspectives. Modernity presents us with a second Axial Time in which the quest for a plural, but shared, humane world is the challenge.
A propos de l’auteur
Oliver Kozlarek (Dr. phil., Dr. en Humanidades) lehrt und forscht am »Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas« der Universidad Michoacana in Morelia, Mexiko. Als Gastwissenschaftler war er u.a. an der New School for Social Research (New York), der Universidad de Buenos Aires, der TU Chemnitz, der Stanford University und dem Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut in Essen tätig.