Establishing a rigorous program of ‘symptomatic reading’ that cuts through the silences and lacunae of
Capital to reveal its philosophical core, Louis Althusser interprets Marx’s structural analysis of production as a revolutionary
break-the basis of a completely new science. Building on a series of Althussers’s conceptual innovations that includes ‘overdetermination’ and ‘social formation, ‘ �tienne Balibar explores the historical and structural facets of production as Marx understood them, scrutinizing many of the most fundamental points in
Capital, as though for the first time.
A propos de l’auteur
Louis Althusser was born in Algeria in 1918 and died in France in 1990. He taught philosophy for many years at the �cole Normale Sup�rieure in Paris, and was a leading intellectual in the French Communist Party. His books include For Marx; Reading Capital (with Etienne Balibar); Essays in Ideology; Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Marx; Machiavelli and Us; and The Spectre of Hegel.