Auteur: Everson Michelle Everson

Gunther Teubner is Professor of Law and Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence « Formation of Normative Orders », Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and Distinguished Professor at the International University College, Torino.

3 Ebooks par Everson Michelle Everson

Professor Dr Claus-Dieter Ehlermann & Michelle Everson: European Competition Law Annual 1999
The European Competition Law Annual 1999 is fourth in a series of volumes including the materials of the annual Workshops on EU Competition Law and Policy held at the Robert Schuman Centre of the Eur …
Professor Dr Gunther Teubner: Networks as Connected Contracts
Business networks consist of several independent businesses that enter into interrelated contracts, conferring on the parties many of the benefits of co-ordination achieved through vertical integrati …
Professor Dr Gunther Teubner: Networks as Connected Contracts
Business networks consist of several independent businesses that enter into interrelated contracts, conferring on the parties many of the benefits of co-ordination achieved through vertical integrati …