Experimental Design and Statistics for Psychology: A First Course is a concise, straighforward and accessible introduction to the design of psychology experiments and the statistical tests used to make sense of their results.
- Makes abundant use of charts, diagrams and figures.
- Assumes no prior knowledge of statistics.
- Invaluable to all psychology students needing a firm grasp of the basics, but tackling of some of the topic’s more complex, controversial issues will also fire the imagination of more ambitious students.
- Covers different aspects of experimental design, including dependent versus independent variables, levels of treatment, experimental control, random versus systematic errors, and within versus between subjects design.
- Provides detailed instructions on how to perform statistical tests with SPSS.
Downloadable instructor resources to supplement and support your lectures can be found at www.blackwellpublishing.com/sani and include sample chapters, test questions, SPSS data sets, and figures and tables from the book.
Table des matières
1. Scientific Psychology and the Research Process.
2. The Nature of Psychology Experiments (I): Variables and Conditions.
3. The Nature of Psychology Experiments (II): Validity.
4. Describing Data.
5. Making Inferences from Data.
6. Selecting a Statistical Test.
7. Tests of Significance for Nominal Data.
8. Tests of Significance for Ordinal Data (and Interval/Ratio Data When Parametric Assumptions Are Not Met).
9. Tests of Significance for Interval Data.
10. Correlational Studies.
Appendix 1: Statistical Tables.
A Brief List of Recommended Books.
A propos de l’auteur
Fabio Sani is a reader in psychology at the University of Dundee, and has taught both research methods and social psychology courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is also an active researcher, has published numerous articles in high-impact international journals, and is co-editor of the book The Development of the Social Self (2003).
John Todman is Emeritus Professor in Applied Cognitive Psychology at the University of Dundee. He has enthusiastically taught combined research methodology and statistical analysis courses, and offered methodological and statistical advice to students and staff, for many years. He has also written over 70 articles and co-authored the book Single-case and Small-n Experimental Designs: A Practical Guide to Randomization Tests (2001).