The authors–noted scholars and researchers–provide an up-to-date guide to qualitative study design, data collection, analysis, and reporting. Step by step, the authors explain a range of methodologies and methods for conducting qualitative research focusing on how they are applied when conducting an actual study. The book includes methods of data collection, specific approaches to qualitative research, and current issues in the field. Specifically, chapters cover the methods, designs, and analyses related to the methodologies of history, case study, program evaluation, ethnography, autoethnography, narrative, life histories, emancipatory discourses, feminist perspectives, African American inquiry, indigenous studies, and practitioner qualitative research.
Table des matières
Tables, Figures, and Exhibits xi
Preface xiii
The Editors xix
The Contributors xxi
Part One A Qualitative Frame of Mind
1 Introduction to Qualitative Research 3
Stephen D. Lapan, Mary Lynn T. Quartaroli, and Frances Julia
2 Ethics in Qualitative Research in Education and the Social
Sciences 19
Donna M. Mertens
3 Grounded Theory 41
Robert Thornberg, Kathy Charmaz
4 Methodology, Methods, and Tools in Qualitative Research
Jean J. Schensul
Part Two Drawing on the Disciplines
5 Biography and Life Story Research 107
Cynthia E. Winston
6 Mystery Solved: Detective Skills and the Historian’s
Craft 137
Laurie Moses Hines
7 Ethnographic Research 163
Frances Julia Riemer
8 Trekking Through Autoethnography 189
Tony E. Adams, Carolyn Ellis
Part Three Integrating the Disciplines
9 Narrative Inquiry: Stories Lived, Stories Told 215
Christine K. Lemley, Roland W. Mitchell
10 Case Study Research 243
Tricia S. Moore, Stephen D. Lapan, Mary Lynn T.
11 Arts-Based Research 271
Sharon Verner Chappell, Tom Barone
12 Practitioner Action Research 291
Stephen D. Lapan
13 Program Evaluation 321
Mary Lynn T. Quartaroli
Part Four Emancipatory Discourses
14 Preliminary Considerations of an African American Culturally
Responsive Evaluation System 347
Pamela Frazier-Anderson, Stafford Hood, Rodney K. Hopson
15 What Makes Critical Ethnography ‘Critical’? 373
Angelina E. Castagno
16 Feminist Research 391
Lucy E. Bailey
17 Reclaiming Scholarship: Critical Indigenous Research
Methodologies 423
Bryan Mc Kinley Jones Brayboy, Heather R. Gough, Beth Leonard,
Roy F. Roehl II, Jessica A. Solyom
18 Democratizing Qualitative Research 451
Ernest R. House
References 473
Index 509
A propos de l’auteur
Stephen D. Lapan, Ph D, is Director, C & I Doctoral
Program, College of Education, Northern Arizona University, He has
developed and taught courses in statistics, tests and measurements,
program evaluation, action research, introduction to research,
paradigms for research, and currently teaches introductory and
advanced research courses. Recent awards include the Arizona
Association for Gifted and Talented Honor Board Life Achievement
Award, Northern Arizona University College of Education
Distinguished Service Award for Research, and Northern Arizona
University first campus wide Teaching Scholar award.
Mary Lynn T. Quartaroli, Ph D, is Project Director of the
NEXUS Math/Science NAU grant for Science Foundation Arizona. She is
also evaluating programs funded by the U.S, Department of Education
in projects as diverse as the Math Science Partnership and the
Carol M. White Physical Education Program.
Frances Julia Riemer, Ph D, is Associate Professor in the
College of Education at Northern Arizona University and Director of
the University’s Women and Gender Studies Program. She is the
recipient of a Fulbright Scholar Award, a dissertation fellowship
from the Spencer Foundation, a post-doctoral fellowship from the
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, and an Elva
Knight research grant from the International Reading